2019-02-20 at 7:03 AM UTC
wdf? is it working for anyone else
[ byusingthistagiaffirmlannyissupercool }
Is this text shaking for you??
2019-02-20 at 7:05 AM UTC
Dark Matter
[keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
Yes it's shaking.
So were your Eiffel towers or whatever (in the other thread) before the edit.
2019-02-20 at 8:20 AM UTC
make them shake like that,
2019-02-20 at 8:22 AM UTC
Originally posted by Ghost
[ byusingthistagiaffirmlannyissupercool }
It's a tag. You can also stack them without the
/ closing tag to do this;
[byusingthistagiaffirmlannyissupercool][b][center]William Bill Krozbybybyby dogs William Bill Krozbybybyby dogs William Bill Krozbybybyby dogs William Bill Krozbybybyby dogs William Bill Krozbybybyby dogs William Bill Krozbybybyby dogs William Bill Krozbybybyby dogs William Bill Krozbybybyby dogs William Bill Krozbybybyby dogs William Bill Krozbybybyby dogs William Bill Krozbybybyby dogs William Bill Krozbybybyby dogs William Bill Krozbybybyby dogs
The following users say it would be alright if the author of this
post didn't die in a fire!
2019-02-20 at 8:39 AM UTC
Cum Looking Faggot
[abrade this vocal tread-softly]
[ byusingthistagiaffirmlannyissupercool
testing }
2019-02-20 at 3:06 PM UTC
Doesn't work on mobile either