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Enter's Thread

  1. #1
    Yo yo yo, welcome to Enter's thread.

    Just come here and chillax, or help yourself to some crackers and dip, whatever mannnn. We got an xbox in the corner but whatever man just chill and enjoy yourself!
  2. #2
    Man this dip is fuckin tasty! What games we got? Any two player shit brah?
  3. #3
    Originally posted by thelittlestnigger Man this dip is fuckin tasty! What games we got? Any two player shit brah?

    Uhhh... You're not supposed to swallow that...
  4. #4
    fuggg... did i just AIDS?
  5. #5
    Originally posted by thelittlestnigger fuggg… did i just AIDS?

    No but you'll be the sickest you've ever been in about five minutes
  6. #6
    That would be an exceptional feat considering the amount of self toxication I have undergone.
  7. #7
    Dionysus Houston
    This site is fucking stupid
  8. #8
    Originally posted by Dionysus This site is fucking stupid

    this sounds like something a stupid person would say.
  9. #9
    *flips the coffee table*
  10. #10
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump *flips the coffee table*

    Calm down bro! Have some if this dank ass dip!
  11. #11
    Is it hummus
  12. #12

    *flips the couch*

    Need!.. Drugs!... its too early man.. cant wake up.. Hate the world so much RAwRRUHUH!!!!!
    Someone put on some coffee and cut some lines.
    I need alcohol and cannabis.

    and death metal.

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