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Weirdest place you've wanked?

  1. #1
    As title states.

    Weirdest place for me is probably at work. One job it was because I was a cleaner and bored so cleaned the disabled toilets and cracked one out.

    Next time I was working at a supermarket and had an hour to kill and didn't know who my boss was so just went to the toilet and wanked.

    Last time was at a different supermarket, I turned up to work FAR too high, can't remember what I was on but I assume it was etizolam and syncans and needed to try to sober up ASAP so I quickly tugged one out before my shift to try to get at least passable as sober.
  2. #2
    While driving. I shit you not, christmas eve one year I was driving back from mass and my dick demons were a callin.
  3. #3
    bling bling Dark Matter
    1 time i wos camping wit noobs on this shit grounf and i wnt to piss adn tried nuyt it dident work
  4. #4
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    probably enters moms face, all she did was get up and giggle and wash it off and go back to bed.
  5. #5
    mojo jojo Yung Blood
    Kmart bathroom..or in my car outside a needle clinic in the bronx
  6. #6
    Ajax African Astronaut [rumor the placative aphakia]
    Inner city rooftop in the middle of the night
    From the second floor of a new house being built down to the bottom floor
  7. #7
    Lanny Bird of Courage
    that'd be in the butt bob
  8. #8
    Oh my god, I just got some horrible news from my mom.

    It turns out I have a brother. Yes, my mom, that whore, fucked another guy a couple decades ago and put the love child up for adoption.

    Well, it turns out...

    Bill Krozby?

    You're my brother, bro. We're related. My mom is your mom!

    Anyway, now to read your post.

    Originally posted by Bill Krozby probably enters moms face, all she did was get up and giggle and wash it off and go back to bed.

  9. #9
    Originally posted by Lanny that'd be in the butt bob

    haha butt stuff is great... er I mean... did I say that out loud? No man that shit is totes for fags. I would never!
  10. #10
    Originally posted by thelittlestnigger totes

    anyone else always see this word and think of totse?
  11. #11
    thats exclusively why I use it.
  12. #12
    Under my desk in school.
  13. #13
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump Under my desk in school.

    aren't you a teacher?
  14. #14
    Only when I'm in bed with your sister.
  15. #15
    bling bling Dark Matter
    enter go sukc owt ur mumas pusy hole wit a mcdonalds straw if ygm fam
  16. #16
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump Under my desk in school.

    Ah that reminds me, I once wanked in the library at school and came on the floor. Tried rubbing it in, then just left.
  17. #17
    bling bling Dark Matter
    on a oap coach trip full of nuns 2 nlackpool
  18. #18
    in my 14 y/o cousins room on her clothes

    in all of my families bathrooms and one time i stuck the rod-shaped sink handle up my butt

    behind some 50 yr old lady on a bus. she knew somehow and sat away from me
  19. #19
    bling bling Dark Matter
    wen u feelin weerd lioke a boddy in a catsuit
  20. #20
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I've taken shits in far stranger places than I've jacked off. I wonder if that's normal. Outside of bathroom stalls at school or work I can't think of a single place I've tugged one out other than couches, beds, and chairs. Surely I had some peculiar location in my Junior High days but I'll be damned if I can think of it. Only thing I can think of was during visitation for my Grandma before her funeral; my family stepped outside into the main lobby and I roped one aggressive style on her neck, but I was young and didn't find it weird at the time and honestly I still don't. I've always thought of it has leaving a piece of me with her. <3
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