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PTSD from near death experience

  1. #1
    Dissociator African Astronaut
    Welp as you all know, OYHOY ROSHAMBO SPICE AND BELLWOOTRAINS. Well, First time I did spice was probably the most euporic experience in my life. September 2014 I think it was. I'm certain it only containted small amounts of am-2201 or possibly hu-210, I don't know, it felt like weed, alot like weed but there was some sort of psychedelic in that shit, amt maybe. My very anxious and paranoid friend (mild autism probably) Smoked as much as I did, a huge amount in a soda can. I'd never seen him so free. Literally it was like his troubles and everything dissapeared, he was tslking a million miles a minute, obviously EUPHORICCC UEDJEN. Anyway next time (actuslly third) I got spice I thought it would be the same. Caution diablo. I remember getting it in the mail, throwing the packet on my bed, listening to love buzz by nirvana. Anywsy I went to hell, fell off my desk chair which fell diagonally, Judging by what my family had to witness, my mom came in my room before I fell, I was screaming bloody murder, fell, computer snd desk fell on me, etc etc got strangldd in guitsr cord mom said I was foaming at the side of my mouth while spesking gibberish. theres probably more detail I csn go into but even on fuckin opiates and gsbspentin now tslking sbout this is making me flashback, not even kidding I DEFINITELY got brain damaged. My life ended when I overdosed, now I'm a sack of flesh. I WAS a different person. agh
  2. #2
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Your pain sustains me.
  3. #3
    When I grow up I wanna be a roshambo​
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