2019-01-10 at 2:18 AM UTC
So, it's been proven you can create quite a high voltage pulse with a harmonic oscillator and a homopolar generator. Kind of common sense though. Have wires connected to your disk while it's spinning and creating super high current, use a harmonic oscillator switch to interrupt the current rapidly, so that a high voltage is induced in a secondary winding as in an ordinary stepup transformer. This can potentially create hundreds of millions of volts. Now if you create an EPFCG with this, and time it correctly, that high voltage pulse can trigger an explosive charge, as in an ordinary EPFCG, and a super massive electromagnetic pulse will result from the collapsing magnetic field. For EPFCGs, you normally need quite a power source to generate the high current and voltage which is then turned into much more voltage with the shockwave collapsing the magnetic field.
Using the homopolar disk, you only need to get it spinning, and there's your power source. EPFCGs are the most powerful EMPs outside of a nuclear detonation if I remember correctly.
This also has the potential to create a very powerful UV laser, although pulsed rather than continuous wave. It would be interesting if this could be used like the Army's Electrolaser, create a plasma channel by ionising the air with the laser, then send the super high voltage pulse through it, and you've got a remote EMP.
2019-01-10 at 2:27 AM UTC
I am not a brown noser. I get noses, are we clear?
2019-01-10 at 3:27 AM UTC
i have homopolar disorder.
2019-01-10 at 3:31 AM UTC
victim of incest
[my veinlike two-fold aepyornidae]
I'm sorry I didn't get back to you sooner but I was prolly high school last night and I have no idea what I am perfectly happy with the smell then traps them and I have no idea how to make it look good for me to see a little bit of the most beautiful things in the world but I don't even know what to say about it
2019-01-15 at 1:51 AM UTC
I was wondering where this thread went.
Imagine putting EPFCG IEDs all over a major city, near cell towers, data centers and such, and have them all go off at the same time. Having them go off one after the other might scare people more though. Then we can be afghanistan, and we'll all have to carry swords and ride camels.
EDIT: some cool music should be playing loud in the background, and hijacking everyone's retarded ass smartphones, synchronized with the beat of the EMP bombs blasting off.
2019-01-15 at 4:04 AM UTC
victim of incest
[my veinlike two-fold aepyornidae]
How the fuck are you gonna synchronize people's smartphones to EMP bombs while EMP bombs are going off?