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Aldra, surfing the Kali Yuga

  1. #21
    Loing African Astronaut
    Originally posted by misanthropy i'll respond to this properly when i sober up after christmas but lol you are dunning-kruger as fuck if you actually think charles murray is the foremost researcher in the area of race and intelligence, he co-wrote one book 25 years ago and has been mostly irrelevant since, meanwhile arthur jensen studied it for 40 years and has covered most of the things you think are contentions decades ago but i doubt you've read a single paper. no wonder you have such a dumb and misinformed opinion on this, you haven't done anything more than basic bitch cursory research but still think you can say something authoritative

    and no, pinker's cherry picking doesn't minimally diminish his point, it totally blows his better angels thesis out of the water because it renders him unable to even establish the basic axiom, which is that violence has declined in the long term

  2. #22
    Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by Loing I know about the Kali Yuga but never quite understood the catchphrase, makes perfect sense.

    IMO that's wrong though. I recommend Steven Pinker's book, The Better Angels of Our Nature. Things are getting better, and people's ability to do good is only multiplying, and now it's bigger than ever before, by far.

    I think one of the biggest problem with modern society is that people have become very distanced from goodness. Many young people are coming up having very little connection to "goodness" directly, and really felt what it feels to help another person out, and how fulfilling it is, and how much of a difference one person can really make for others in the real world.

    It creates a hopelessness in society like it does in any other arena of life. If you have a big, messy ass bedroom, it viscerally looks and feels impossibly overwhelming to even start cleaning it, if you take in everything at the same time. But if you just pick away at one thing at a time and refrain from contributing to it, the problem inevitably goes away.

    The problems of the world are finite. They're a big ass pile, but the pile ends. And sure we always add new things to the pile. But technology is getting better, prosperity is only rising, and solving our problems becomes more realistic with every passing day.

    Worst case scenario, we can even just focus on making money, and sending it to Effective Altruism charities, and let smart people figure out how to best use our resources to tackle the big problems while we focus on our own life shit.

    But you gotta keep contributing to the positive pile and not to the negstive pile. It seems so easy to just throw another thing onto the negative mountain, and not contribute to the positive one way off in the distance, but it's the good fight.

    Didn't read

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