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What happened to Sophie/Psychomanthis?

  1. Soyboy III: The Quest for 911 Truth Tuskegee Airman [oppositely expose the hypermetropia]
    Originally posted by Narc Agreed big time. The way I see it is the system is happy to have it like this. They create these monsters to scare the shit out of anyone who's a parent then sells them protection from the very threat the system created.

    Like I keep saying they control a mass population by making everyone believe there are dangers nobody can protect themselves from yet they can offer you protection. Just keep paying your taxes and doing what you are told and our hero cops will keep you safe.

    Like I said the other day when the govt policy doesn't make sense, consider that factor and suddenly it makes perfect sense.

    The sickest part is that for most pedos its the forbidden fruit that tastes much sweeter.

    But that means that making it illegal to fuck kids is just causing a whole bunch of guys to now wanna fuck kids.

    But they don't give a fuck that your kids get raped or even murdered. Just as long as they get to control you with your own fear.

    These people are the sickest criminals of all. Yet y'all going on happy to call them your leaders and trusting that shit. People seriously need to wake the fuck up.


    So you watched Adam Curtis's The Power of Nightmares.

    Did you recognise the part in the film where he reeled off long lists of exclusively jedi names?

    How about in Machines of Loving Grace?

    Maybe you should rewatch, and look up those names as they come up.

    Freud, Bernays, Wolfowitz, Krisol, Perle, Podhoretz, Rubin.
  2. Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING III: The Quest for 911 Truth So you watched Adam Curtis's The Power of Nightmares.

    Did you recognise the part in the film where he reeled off long lists of exclusively jedi names?

    How about in Machines of Loving Grace?

    Maybe you should rewatch, and look up those names as they come up.

    Freud, Bernays, Wolfowitz, Krisol, Perle, Podhoretz, Rubin.

    No idea what you're on about.

  3. Soyboy III: The Quest for 911 Truth Tuskegee Airman [oppositely expose the hypermetropia]
    Originally posted by Narc No idea what you're on about.

    Srsly? The only decent BBC documentary series of the last 30 years?

    Of course Curtis lives in fear, like we both do, and won't tell us who exactly the (((neoconservatives))) are.
  4. filtration African Astronaut
    This post has been edited by a bot I made to preserve my privacy.
  5. Loing African Astronaut
    Originally posted by hydromorphone I am wondering too where Sophie has been.

    As for the posts going on and on about him being a disgusting pedo, well, I believe when you begin isolating pedophiles, to the point they can't come out in the open to say they have a problem and get help, then you have those pedos hiding in the shadows, and more likely to abuse a child at some point.

    I'm not really speaking on Sophie's case here, just in general. It's a psychiatric disorder, and those people need help, but most the time, it would turn into a witch hunt if a person so much as admitted to being a hebephile, much less attracted to a younger demographic, and that's assuming the person just had the THOUGHTS and ATTRACTION, and never harmed a child. GRanted, if you cross that line, and harm a child, I do believe you need to serve time, but more than being punished, one needs to get help while serving, and get rehabilitation, and ways to curb their desires, and express themselves in a healthy way that won't harm children. The problem is, is that most the time, there is no psychiatric help whatsoever when they serve their time, so when they get out, they are pretty much set up on a registry, which pretty much guarantees they won't be able to get employment, and very much limits their housing situations, and also, they're pretty much gonna be ostracized from society, which puts them at an even higher risk of re-offending because hey… what do they really have to lose at that point? THey have no support systems in place. However you feel emotionally, the way shit is done, at least in the US, is causing more danger for children then it protects them. Emotions, which I get, can get high, considering people who have, or have a loved one who was harmed by a pedophile, but that serves no good to society. We need help for these people, with more inclusion, less fear to come out and tell a shrink "Hey, I got a problem" and thus higher chance to get help, and never act on those urges. As it is now, a pedo wouldn't tell another soul, unless that soul was another pedo about their desires BECAUSE of the repercussions of just admitting a desire, not even a crime.

    Anyway… Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.

    and I hope Sophie is doing alright. I loves dat nigga.

    Didn't read.
  6. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    prolly got raped
  7. Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Loing But loing wants to stay alive

    Loing needs to be ballgagged.

    Lay down and keep quiet
  8. Space Nigga
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING III: The Quest for 911 Truth Srsly? The only decent BBC documentary series of the last 30 years?

    Of course Curtis lives in fear, like we both do, and won't tell us who exactly the (((neoconservatives))) are.

    When people finally figure this out. that it was mostly a mind game, the system in place will probably set off a dirty bomb and blame the boogie man. also there is a boogie man. it's fucking pure madness. these days are frightening. It seems San Francisco is now on the list of terrorist to strike. because it's the new NYC. it replaces the Bank Wealth of NYC with the Tech Hub and new form of financing through crowd funding and private hedge investments. Most likely places to replace NYC would be Chicago, San Francisco, Atlanta and LA. maybe Seattle.

    because the real thing is out there (some say created by the CIA? who knows for sure) and others just a secret group funding this shit and are the Fox's who guard the Rooster and Hen House.

    More likely created by upper management with CoIntel agency backgrounds of wealthy corporations. sadly companies like Lockhead
  9. Loing African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Loing needs to be ballgagged.

    Lay down and keep quiet

    Give me your residential address, let's see you try.
  10. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Narc Agreed big time. The way I see it is the system is happy to have it like this. They create these monsters to scare the shit out of anyone who's a parent then sells them protection from the very threat the system created.

    Like I keep saying they control a mass population by making everyone believe there are dangers nobody can protect themselves from yet they can offer you protection. Just keep paying your taxes and doing what you are told and our hero cops will keep you safe.

    Like I said the other day when the govt policy doesn't make sense, consider that factor and suddenly it makes perfect sense.

    The sickest part is that for most pedos its the forbidden fruit that tastes much sweeter.

    But that means that making it illegal to fuck kids is just causing a whole bunch of guys to now wanna fuck kids.

    But they don't give a fuck that your kids get raped or even murdered. Just as long as they get to control you with your own fear.

    These people are the sickest criminals of all. Yet y'all going on happy to call them your leaders and trusting that shit. People seriously need to wake the fuck up.


    I personally don't think it's so much a "forbidden fruit" thing, although I'm sure there are some cases of that, I think it's more a psychiatric disorder that needs proper professional help to be addressed, and as the system is now, it's extremely hard, even for one who has offended to receive proper treatment for their disorder. Everything else though, I do agree with you on.
  11. Sophie spends all his free time now making Elsagate videos on YouTube to groom future victims
  12. Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Loing Give me your residential address, let's see you try.

    I won't. I'm allergic to doglioncats

    I'll just spray you with a hose, you mutated trollion
  13. Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by hydromorphone I personally don't think it's so much a "forbidden fruit" thing, although I'm sure there are some cases of that, I think it's more a psychiatric disorder that needs proper professional help to be addressed, and as the system is now, it's extremely hard, even for one who has offended to receive proper treatment for their disorder. Everything else though, I do agree with you on.

    Pretty much all non-vanilla sexual practices are based around risk in some form. Our brains are programmed to create exhilleration when we take risks. If you combine exhilleration with orgasm you got a really kickass high.

    Think about it, having sex in public places, risk of getting caught, being tied up bondage etc, risk the other party might switch on you. Auto-erotic asphyxiation, risk of death. Serial adulterers, risk of getting caught, ending relationship. Its also why women are drawn to bad boys, risk of getting hurt makes it more exciting.

    Of course the bigger the risk the bigger the high, so the risks associated with getting caught fucking a kid gives a massive high.

    I'm pretty sure most people who partake will not really be consciously aware of why they do it tho and instead will focus their mind more on the objects involved in their desires. But at the end it all boils down to being more exciting because of the risks involved.

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  14. Originally posted by Narc Think about it, having sex in public places, risk of getting caught, being tied up bondage etc, risk the other party might switch on you. Auto-erotic asphyxiation, risk of death. Serial adulterers, risk of getting caught, ending relationship. Its also why women are drawn to bad boys, risk of getting hurt makes it more exciting.

    then in your mind getting golden showers must be some kinda of grave sin and travesty.

    is it the humiliation that excites you ?
  15. Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING III: The Quest for 911 Truth Srsly? The only decent BBC documentary series of the last 30 years?

    Of course Curtis lives in fear, like we both do, and won't tell us who exactly the (((neoconservatives))) are.

    Yes that is pretty spot on. The web spreads a lot further tho. I mean all people in power have used exaggerated fear of some form to control masses. The fear of crime, disease, natural disasters and global warming, health and safety, sexual predators, drugs, these are all used as monsters that they'll then pretend to offer protection from.

  16. Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny then in your mind getting golden showers must be some kinda of grave sin and travesty.

    is it the humiliation that excites you ?

    No, that's about intimacy. There is no risk involved.

  17. Originally posted by Narc No, that's about intimacy. There is no risk involved.


    so your not into excitements ?
  18. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by hydromorphone I am wondering too where Sophie has been.

    As for the posts going on and on about him being a disgusting pedo, well, I believe when you begin isolating pedophiles, to the point they can't come out in the open to say they have a problem and get help, then you have those pedos hiding in the shadows, and more likely to abuse a child at some point.

    I'm not really speaking on Sophie's case here, just in general. It's a psychiatric disorder, and those people need help, but most the time, it would turn into a witch hunt if a person so much as admitted to being a hebephile, much less attracted to a younger demographic, and that's assuming the person just had the THOUGHTS and ATTRACTION, and never harmed a child. GRanted, if you cross that line, and harm a child, I do believe you need to serve time, but more than being punished, one needs to get help while serving, and get rehabilitation, and ways to curb their desires, and express themselves in a healthy way that won't harm children. The problem is, is that most the time, there is no psychiatric help whatsoever when they serve their time, so when they get out, they are pretty much set up on a registry, which pretty much guarantees they won't be able to get employment, and very much limits their housing situations, and also, they're pretty much gonna be ostracized from society, which puts them at an even higher risk of re-offending because hey… what do they really have to lose at that point? THey have no support systems in place. However you feel emotionally, the way shit is done, at least in the US, is causing more danger for children then it protects them. Emotions, which I get, can get high, considering people who have, or have a loved one who was harmed by a pedophile, but that serves no good to society. We need help for these people, with more inclusion, less fear to come out and tell a shrink "Hey, I got a problem" and thus higher chance to get help, and never act on those urges. As it is now, a pedo wouldn't tell another soul, unless that soul was another pedo about their desires BECAUSE of the repercussions of just admitting a desire, not even a crime.

    Anyway… Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.

    and I hope Sophie is doing alright. I loves dat nigga.

    So when a child is raped by a pedo it's societies fault? Right.....
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  19. Soyboy III: The Quest for 911 Truth Tuskegee Airman [oppositely expose the hypermetropia]
    Originally posted by Narc Yes that is pretty spot on. The web spreads a lot further tho. I mean all people in power have used exaggerated fear of some form to control masses. The fear of crime, disease, natural disasters and global warming, health and safety, sexual predators, drugs, these are all used as monsters that they'll then pretend to offer protection from.

    You always seem to be implying that we shouldn't be afraid of those things tho.
  20. Ghost Black Hole
    I murdered sophie for being a rattex
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