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ATTN: Everyone

  1. #61
    Yes they did, Stop trying to lie your way out of this. Own up to being wrong. It is quite liberating.
  2. #62
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Who gives a fuck? Gimme your current dads' email addresses.
  3. #63
    Those are current, active, modern BBS sites, you ham-fisted goon. Of course they offer e-mail. But the BBS sites of the '80's didn't.
    Just because you weren't aware of email then doesn't mean the sysops didnt offer it.
  4. #64
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    my dad could beat up your dad
    my penis is a mm bigger than yours
    I have had more girlfriends
    your mom is stupid
    you're dumb
  5. #65
    Those are current, active, modern BBS sites, you ham-fisted goon. Of course they offer e-mail. But the BBS sites of the '80's didn't.
    Do you remember echomail dumnbass?
  6. #66
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Do you remember echomail dumnbass?

    It's dumb ass, not dumnbass, you dumb ass.

    If you were on FidoNET, sure, but we are not talking about FidoNET or one single provider. Get your facts straight, n00b.
  7. #67
    It's dumb ass, not dumnbass, you dumb ass. If you were on FidoNET, sure, but we are not talking about FidoNET or one single provider. Get your facts straight, n00b.
    We're talking about dial up BBS and the fact that email was widely in use on that platform by the time hunter started Totse. Echomail, netmail, and email all worked together you dumbass. Oh, and actually it's dum-bass. you dumbass.
  8. #68
    Hewfil1 Houston
    Shit's getting heated. Nice.
  9. #69
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    …email was widely in use on that platform by the time hunter started Totse…
    No it was not. In fact, "e-mail", as we know it now, didn't come into play until the '90's. Lots of people had versions of what one might call e-mail, but there was no e-mail system of the kind we use today.
  10. #70
    No it was not. In fact, "e-mail", as we know it now, didn't come into play until the '90's. Lots of people had versions of what one might call e-mail, but there was no e-mail system of the kind we use today.
    Yes there was you spectard. It has been established ITT that email was in widespread use before Totse.
  11. #71
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    only a pedophile can appreciate true beauty
  12. #72
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    only a pedophile can appreciate true beauty

    Lol, i don't think that's particularly true but i imagine pedos experience the beauty of little girls(Or boys if you're into that) more intensely.
  13. #73
    SBTlauien African Astronaut
    I approve of this thread.
  14. #74
    crazy mike Houston
    never thought you were into that shit, sbt
  15. #75
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I approve of this thread.

    Y-you do?
  16. #76
    Bradley Dogsbane
    did crazy Mike/arthur treacherous die?
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