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Are you guys prepped?

  1. #21
    Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Pay with what? the food you should have been getting instead of Theraflu? Ammo is going to be the premium thing to get…not aspirin…with Ammo you can defend, attack, and harvest meat easily…oh and steal.

    All the people fighting and shooting each other. How much you think they gonna pay for antibiotics when their wound gets septic and there's no hospitals to treat them. I can literally namey price.

    Yeah I'll have that gun and ammo thank you. Chuck in some tins tuna an all.

  2. #22
    The shits...if the Possum meat was bad I'd need 15 $100 bills due to sloppy shits...or just wash my ass in the river...upstream of my neighbor.
  3. #23
    Originally posted by Narc All the people fighting and shooting each other. How much you think they gonna pay for antibiotics when their wound gets septic and there's no hospitals to treat them. I can literally namey price.

    Yeah I'll have that gun and ammo thank you. Chuck in some tins tuna an all.


    Um with what??? the money that is only good for wiping your ass on? Ammo/tools/none perishable food...some meds for yourself sure...if I had antibiotics I wouldn't be trading it for food/ammo etc that I could be getting myself...I'd be keeping it for myself/family/compound members.
  4. #24
    Stupid nigs would be looting Bestbuy for the 60" TVs...lolol
  5. #25
    Ghost Black Hole
    I'm just gonna murder all my neighbors
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  6. #26
    Sub_Mod Houston
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Yup, give me 1000 rounds of ammo and 100 boxes of Nilla crackers and I'm ready for the apocalypse.

    Sub_Mod here,
    Hoping that someone will give you that is not being ready, thus not being prepped.
  7. #27
    Sub_Mod Houston
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson The shits…if the Possum meat was bad I'd need 15 $100 bills due to sloppy shits…or just wash my ass in the river…upstream of my neighbor.

    Sub_Mod here,
    They say the grid will be turned on thus money will still be of value, but it could take up to 6 months if you read the pdf i put in OP.

    This wouldn't be the apocalypse, just their preparation for agenda 21.
  8. #28
    Originally posted by Sub_Mod Sub_Mod here,
    They say the grid will be turned on thus money will still be of value, but it could take up to 6 months if you read the pdf i put in OP.

    This wouldn't be the apocalypse, just their preparation for agenda 21.

    That's poorly thought out...without power our whole society would running water, no food in the stores, no cars (gas pumps/refineries wouldn't work) no nothing...they say any nation is just 3 meals away from fat America 3 meals is like by 11am.
  9. #29
    Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Um again…pay with what??? the money that is only good for wiping your ass on? Ammo/tools/none perishable food…some meds for yourself sure…if I had antibiotics I wouldn't be trading it for food/ammo etc that I could be getting myself…I'd be keeping it for myself/family/compound members.

    Money?? You'd just straight up trade for shit. And not just goods, services are also a tradable commodity.

    Think of all the diabetics and such people that need a regular supply of meds just to stay alive. You'd literally own all those people. You can have them doing anything and everything for you.

  10. #30
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson That's poorly thought out…without power our whole society would collapse…no running water, no food in the stores, no cars (gas pumps/refineries wouldn't work) no nothing…they say any nation is just 3 meals away from anarchy…in fat America 3 meals is like by 11am.

    not really they'd just set up fema camps (they already got them) and use generators to power the camps and the sheeple will flock to them like a cheap suit on a used car salesman and a lot of people will die or be reprogrammed for the nwo agenda.
  11. #31
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Narc Money?? You'd just straight up trade for shit. And not just goods, services are also a tradable commodity.

    Think of all the diabetics and such people that need a regular supply of meds just to stay alive. You'd literally own all those people. You can have them doing anything and everything for you.


    *puts arm around narcy* he just doesn't get it big bromo. a lot of women would whore themselves out for a place to sleep and something to eat. One man would have his own harem if he controlls the supplies.
  12. #32
    Originally posted by Narc Im prepped, with me. I can survive in any situation, I've proved that to myself time and time again.

    My first move when it happens will be to go looting drug stores and hospitals. Get something valuable to trade, coz people will defo need meds and will pay premium for that shit.


    let the records show that narc is a beta gatherer.
  13. #33
    Originally posted by aldra I'll bet you're the first junkie to have come up with that master plan

    there will always be hunters and gatherers.

    the alpphas hunt. so ...
  14. #34
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Um again…pay with what??? the money that is only good for wiping your ass on? Ammo/tools/none perishable food…some meds for yourself sure…if I had antibiotics I wouldn't be trading it for food/ammo etc that I could be getting myself…I'd be keeping it for myself/family/compound members.

    pay him with a gun to his head.
  15. #35
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson That's poorly thought out…without power our whole society would collapse…no running water, no food in the stores, no cars (gas pumps/refineries wouldn't work) no nothing…they say any nation is just 3 meals away from anarchy…in fat America 3 meals is like by 11am.

    who are these 'they' that you speak of ?
  16. #36
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    After just a week of no power, with all the stores already have been emptied out completely, people would start to eye the fat people standing around. Maybe start following them to see where they go. Maybe start devising a makeshift plan for supper, one way or the other.
  17. #37
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    One of the big signs that shithole is about to hit the fan is when normal people start losing their minds. Just look at what is happening france.

    also §m£ÂgØL is prepped he will be the first to drop trou, get on his hands and knees and announce "I've got an ass a pussy a mouth and 2 hands bois!" to get all the protein he needs because he's a cum junkie

    this guy is such an asshole, he has a youtube channel for the sole purpose for people to donate money to him so he can prep, while he warns people they need to be prepping, so why would you give your money to him?

    their like "oh yass jon here's 40 dollars you are a saint"
  18. #38
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    I posted something relevant a long time ago, but can't find it now - it was a guy who survived the Yugoslavia breakup talking about how he got by when society disintegrated.

    The general gist is:

    1. Safety in numbers. You need either a big family or group of friends to survive. No matter how well armed you are, going solo will get you killed.
    2. Guns are mandatory. Desperate people turn to jediery, banditry and worse. You'll need to trade to survive, and you're excluded from trading if you cannot defend yourself.
    3. You'll need to trade, as supplies will not last forever. Find something. The author talked about having cases of plastic lighters from a cigarette store. People with specialist skills like farming or repairing generators and solar panels could more or less name their price.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  19. #39
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by aldra I posted something relevant a long time ago, but can't find it now - it was a guy who survived the Yugoslavia breakup talking about how he got by when society disintegrated.

    The general gist is:

    1. Safety in numbers. You need either a big family or group of friends to survive. No matter how well armed you are, going solo will get you killed.
    2. Guns are mandatory. Desperate people turn to jediery, banditry and worse. You'll need to trade to survive, and you're excluded from trading if you cannot defend yourself.
    3. You'll need to trade, as supplies will not last forever. Find something. The author talked about having cases of plastic lighters from a cigarette store. People with specialist skills like farming or repairing generators and solar panels could more or less name their price.

    I've been introducing myself to neighbors I didn't talk to before and I've been letting the neighbors who already know me about what potentially may go on.

    hunting and gathering is all a good skill. I used to skin racoons when I was younger with my pippa back in kentucky. Thanks for the contribution aldra. Supposedly this is only supposed to happen (at first) in murica. So you'll be alright at first.

    I've also stocked up on a lot of moisturizer as trying to survive in the cold winter with chapped skin would be really hard.

    Better get prepped.
  20. #40 Space Nigga
    right, I go out and buy 200 dollars in can and dry foods and nothing happens and it just goes dated in 2 years.

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