2015-07-20 at 5:26 PM UTC
I think about things a lot, just random topics going through my head, and I try to be as unbiased as possible. With almost every controversial thing that happens in the world, there are 2 or more sides to the story, and most of the time, both (or all) sides have a valid point. I am able to acknowledge both sides and there's a lot of issues that I'm just not sure how I feel about. But pretty much no one else does that it seems. Like if someone starts telling me their views about something I am neutral about, but then I bring up the other side in a "well what about this?" manner, just trying to see what they have to say to that because I think it's a valid point, they get personally offended and just don't want to consider it at all. They just want you to hear their side and don't even want to think about entertaining the idea that the other side may have a valid point too.
But both sides of any issue do this and it's counterproductive as fuck. I wonder if people actually think. Like, they must not go through the same mental processes as I do when I evaluate information in my head, because they seem to just jump to one side and dismiss everything else as bullshit. I always feel like someone is trying to get me to believe their bullshit. It's impossible to just debate with people or discuss, because they don't understand the concept of playing the devils advocate.
Not only that but the bullshit is everywhere. Everything made today is pretty much just composed of advertisements. Popular music is just one big ad. So are movies. Any type of media. Everywhere I go, everyone is saying to me "don't think, just listen to me, spend your money here!" and I'm fucking fed up with it. More specifically I'm fed up with the fact that most of the population aren't self aware enough to think themselves out of the traps they've been led in to. It fucking pisses me off that I can't find another rational human being.
For example, in America, it's common as fuck to support the troops that are committing war crimes, yet also common as fuck to hate and despise and never ever support another country's military who commits warcrimes. How are those two views reconciled with each other? They're not; they logically cannot be (if the objection is assumed to be cruelty, which it is). But say something about american troops and you're some tinfoil hate wearer, even though its fucking common knowledge that is available to anyone on the internet that it has occurred. It's blatant ignorance and hypocrisy.
2015-07-20 at 5:40 PM UTC
Thank your government for all this bullshit, propoganda and the influence of the government's cronies is what makes america the root of all evil and the population docile retarded and prone to the insanity of this doublethink in general.
2015-07-20 at 5:51 PM UTC
you are describing confirmation bias. It's not a bug, it's a feature.
2015-07-20 at 7:04 PM UTC
I know, that's what I'm doing, it's just frustrating as hell when it seems like you just can't have a real conversation with anyone anymore.