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Happy 77th Pearl Harbor Day

  1. #1 Space Nigga


    Good Game, Japan. sorry you lost the final round.
  2. #2 Space Nigga
    Or did they

  3. #3
    WellHung Black Hole (banned)
    Why are u sorry for those sneaky gooks? And why are you listing car manufacturers that arent Japanese? Whats wrong with u?
  4. #4 Space Nigga
    Originally posted by WellHung Why are u sorry for those sneaky gooks? And why are you listing car manufacturers that arent Japanese? Whats wrong with u?

    they manufacture the parts for even American cars. I am only sorry for the civilian mother and children and not the military who killed Americans that day.

    we could of dropped a nuke on a fleet of Naval Ships off the coast (as was suggested to the president at the time) trying to dock to have them fixed. there was like a towline of 20 ships.. including a few destroyers being towed back to the island of Japan. could of nuked them. instead, He wanted to hit Tokyo (Or Kobe I forget which) but the Enola Gay found it had to much cloud cover so they shot for Hiroshima
  5. #5
    Never regret or feel sorry for the past, as the past shaped the present...had the past not happened the present might be much much worse a place than it already is and you might not even be in it.

    Instead thank those that made sacrifices, either voluntary or involuntary for they shaped the future you now enjoy in the present.
  6. #6
    Originally posted by they manufacture the parts for even American cars. I am only sorry for the civilian mother and children and not the military who killed Americans that day.

    we could of dropped a nuke on a fleet of Naval Ships off the coast (as was suggested to the president at the time) trying to dock to have them fixed. there was like a towline of 20 ships.. including a few destroyers being towed back to the island of Japan. could of nuked them. instead, He wanted to hit Tokyo (Or Kobe I forget which) but the Enola Gay found it had to much cloud cover so they shot for Hiroshima

    oh, your not sorry for the 30 million chinks killed in ww2 ?

    what a bigot. how could you face yourself in the mirror ?
  7. #7
    WellHung Black Hole (banned)
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Never regret or feel sorry for the past, as the past shaped the present…had the past not happened the present might be much much worse a place than it already is and you might not even be in it.

    Instead thank those that made sacrifices, either voluntary or involuntary for they shaped the future you now enjoy in the present.

    Thats beautiful. Thanks for presenting a new me, anyhow.👍
  8. #8
    Zanick motherfucker [my p.a. supernal goa]
    we should drop a nuke on every anniversary to remind the world
  9. #9 Space Nigga
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny oh, your not sorry for the 30 million chinks killed in ww2 ?

    what a bigot. how could you face yourself in the mirror ?


    first off.. that word is a no no

    n next this was between America being attacked by Japan and the final end game.

    Nanking happened somewhere inbetween. and yes, I do care. I'm surprised China doesn't point this out to the jedis that they lost 5 times as many people in cruel experimentations and torture in the same fashion or worst than Polish extermination camps.

    let the Chinese speak up "You're not the only ones who suffered genocide"
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