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The California Homeless Problem

  1. #1 Space Nigga
    It's a sticky Icky.

    I am an advocat of helping homeless. I was prior to being kicked out into the world and realizing "Hey fuck, I can't afford rent here" and living in the back of my truck.

    But being homeless is not one reason

    During the 2008 banking fiasco, families my former wife and I knew and their children (who went to school with our kids) lived in tents in local fields before being forced out of our town in Eastern CoCo county.

    So some are working people who lost everything in a short time.

    some are people like me. a spouse is suddenly with low income because of seperation of some type (including death of spouse or marital problems)

    Some on drugs. and need to be placed in Malibu clean house

    some are needing meds

    all above can be remedied by different means or forms of aid?

    you can't fix drop outs. people who say "Fuck it". they had everything but let it all slip away on purpose. there is a huge amount of these people all over the country. just major depression and they refuse to be helped. Most are well educated. have college degrees. spent hundreds of thousands of dollars (or their parents did) on an education and decide they want to drop out. many of them do drugs like heroin but this is something they enjoy and don't want to go to a Malibu dry out house.

    these are usually the creative people who make shit art from their own poo (which is apparently a new thing .. the news did a story on the major poo graffiti going on)

    poo graffiti

    needles everywhere. they don't fucking care about needle exchange.. many drug users are being proper disposal users but there is a large percent who want to show anger and care 0 about society around them and drop them on the streets.

    San Francisco has these "Street Embasodors" who walk around with a broom and sweep bucket and sweep up needles and shit .. most in the Tenderloins, but for some reason.. and I kind of find it funny as fuck.. the homeless have decided to camp out in Pacific Heights (The wealthiest masnion district in San Francisco) and have been shooting up there and making shit art on the sidewalks of the wealthy

    OK it's not funny. It stinks like the tenderloins up in the Pacific Heights area.. but its just funny the homeless would hike 2-3 miles up steep hills into PacHeights to make sidewalk shit art. you don't see them in the daytime.. apparently they hike up after night fall.

    So gross. NYC has a 0 Homeless policy.. I mean there are homeless but they go underground. they don't allow homeless to sleep in parks or on streets. the sidewalks smell like piss a bit but nothing like San Francisco. I found NYC to be pleasant and was not looking for homeless when I was there.. but looking back, I saw 0 homeless at Central Park or Battery park. how does a city the size of NYC do this? and this was during warm nights in september.

    so point is.. San Francisco, LA and San Diego have a huge problem. I want these mini dorms to be built for them.. but it has to be a forced policy. stop shitting on our streets Mother Fucker. we get it.. you're angry. nasty ass mothers.

    poo graffiti.. think about that. so gross.. so so gross.
  2. #2
    That's too much to read but...

    "get a job"

    Take care of many homeless problems...easy.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. #3 Space Nigga
    also Stockton, and the delta towns have huge homeless. and HepC is worst there from the humidity and they're near our major water source. the delta.
  4. #4 Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson That's too much to read but…

    "get a job"

    Take care of many homeless problems…easy.

    it's a state of mind. when you're not employeed it seems like an impossibility.

    once being guided in.. it sticks and it will clear out most of the homeless issue

    many don't have ID and Social Security cards to work properly. the rent is a joke out here. so they will have to hook up with roommates and even though many homeless live in communities.. they're governed and there is Homeless snobbery where you may be a homeless outcast and a homeless loner in these encampments


    I'm pretty sure psychologist go homeless to move in and study these complex societies. studying human behaviour of this.

    you could write a book on this shit.. win the peace prize or summin
  5. #5 Space Nigga
    Im watching on TV

    MUNI is losing drivers because none of them can afford local rent

    new drivers make only 37k a year.
    that's shit pay. especially to be the new guy who has to drive in the hood and drive the 8x line. LOL

    people throwing acid at drivers or spitting on them or shitting on the bus or pissing themselves. driving into Chinatown and 100 elderly pushing in and people screaming at them. I always enjoyed going into Chinatown and the elderly pushing in .. gave me someone to talk to even though all they do is smile and don't say much back. but for some reason.. people get mad at these old people.

    then there is the drugged out psychos just walking back and forth.. not listening to you telling them to sit the fuck down. one of the things the bus drivers do to these zombies is short-brake really hard. it's pretty funny watching them fly foward and slam to the ground

    should I apply for a MUNI driver? at least it's a union job and secure. even if the market goes to shit.. I would still have a job.

    but if I apply myself I could make twice as much driving uber or lyft. I just have a hard time working that long. Back problems :*(
  6. #6
    WellHung Black Hole (banned)
    You typed a lot of detail.. but what's your overarching point, or ur 'thesis', if u will?
  7. #7 Space Nigga
    Originally posted by WellHung You typed a lot of detail.. but what's your overarching point, or ur 'thesis', if u will?

    I want everyone to know we need to not allow homeless on the streets. but offer a portion of Golden Gate or Lincoln Park with security keeping strict rules to live in organize houses. These people hoard stuff. I thought they were collecting stuff to bring to the dumps and get paid for it. but they will collect tons of shit in shopping carts.. then they will sort through it, fix things like bikes and sell them. then take what's left over and dump it on the side of the road.

    So no hoarding shit. Tents need to remain clean. no hanging out in your tent all day. offer them classes in programming or get them driver jobs. the city needs 400 new Muni drivers. offer them class A/B training courses.. then give them the fucking MUNI line .. shit as homeless people they know how to talk to the people on the bus I would think

    Or they could go get truck driver jobs.

    so much to offer these people. but get them the fuck off the streets. it's just a true giant shit show

    poo graffiti
    think about it
  8. #8
    You know people can't abide by rules, especially social rejects...all the good intentions in the world wont change them...they'll rebel and destroy their own living situation before complying with rules.
  9. #9 Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson You know people can't abide by rules, especially social rejects…all the good intentions in the world wont change them…they'll rebel and destroy their own living situation before complying with rules.

    I think they would have a great time driving a 25 thousand pound loader truck hauling rocks and shit down the highway while on medication. I would. listening to music.. hauling tons of rocks and shouting out things to other drivers.

    good times
  10. #10
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Can I get a tldr?
  11. #11 Space Nigga
    Originally posted by mmQ Can I get a tldr?


    I have compassion for the homeless; get them off the fucking street. no tolerance for street homelessness. place them in the park in a zoned secured area. much cheaper to clean one area of the park than scattered area's of the city.
  12. #12 Space Nigga

    I have compassion for homelessness; out of site, out of stink.
  13. #13
    mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
    I went out to California some months ago and we showed up on this shady place to stay for the night. This negro made eye contact with me as we were pulling in and I knew she wanted a cigarette. She comes up to the window and my friend who was driving pretty much tells her to fuck off and that we have no money or food. I gave her a cigarette and I guess she went over to my mom and my mother said she wasn't wearing anything but a jacket.

  14. #14
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Compassion for American homeless or all? Like India. What the fuck. Where do we start? We have to give the globe a home. Let's start from the bottom up would make the most sense to me.

    I think we should all as a world team up and turn Africa into a super cool power continent with palaces and happies everywhere. Like what the fuck elese are we doing. Nothing.

    Or we could have a global contest where each continent gets a set amount of money to "MAGA" themselves and we just stop the wars and fighting and all that and we just try to turn our contininet into the coolest one.

    Or we could do that but ALSO do continent swapping where, say, everyone from north America has to go to Australia and everyone from Australia has to go to North America and then we see what we can do.
  15. #15
    mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
  16. #16
    mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
  17. #17 Space Nigga
    i'm not sure what her ethnicity had to do with the story but I do see this a lot. the hitting you up was a way to segwae into her sex sales-pitch.

    anyways.. i'm off.
  18. #18
    mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
    Originally posted by i'm not sure what her ethnicity had to do with the story but I do see this a lot. the hitting you up was a way to segwae into her sex sales-pitch.

    anyways.. i'm off.

    straight nigger area

    Oh we knew.
  19. #19
    WellHung Black Hole (banned)
    Being the naturalist and th3 outdoorsman that I am...I I think I would enjoy living outside in California...but only for awhile. The fires burn hot over there.
  20. #20 Space Nigga
    Originally posted by WellHung Being the naturalist and th3 outdoorsman that I am…I I think I would enjoy living outside in California…but only for awhile. The fires burn hot over there.

    build a cellar dweller. nothing can hurt you down there when the whole world burns above you.

    you will be safe eating your last can of beans
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