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Ghost's favorite word is cuck...

  1. #41
    Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Let's just get summing straight here. I never said I blame MY problems on being adopted. But I do know that those thoughts are always there in the back of your head, at times you will question shit, you'll wonder from time to time. From that I can see how weaker minded people will get self-conscious and lack confidence from that. So let's have a little less of the strawman shit here guys. This is about what a shitty human being scron is for abandoning his kid. At the end of the day the only way you can ensure your child is kept safe from harm and is brought up right and has no reason to be insecure is to be there for your child and bring them up yourself. Trusting strangers or the state to bring up your kid is literally playing Russian roulette with your child's life. Only a cunt would allow such a thing. Because let's have it right, the only reason you'd give your kid away is because its the easy option for you. Like fuck the kid coz you can't be bothered. Only a total cunt would allow that with their child.

    If bringing up a kid is not summing you want to do then don't have a kid, period.


  2. #42
    Technologist victim of incest
    Originally posted by Narc Let's just get summing straight here. I never said I blame MY problems on being adopted. But I do know that those thoughts are always there in the back of your head, at times you will question shit, you'll wonder from time to time. From that I can see how weaker minded people will get self-conscious and lack confidence from that. So let's have a little less of the strawman shit here guys. This is about what a shitty human being scron is for abandoning his kid. At the end of the day the only way you can ensure your child is kept safe from harm and is brought up right and has no reason to be insecure is to be there for your child and bring them up yourself. Trusting strangers or the state to bring up your kid is literally playing Russian roulette with your child's life. Only a cunt would allow such a thing. Because let's have it right, the only reason you'd give your kid away is because its the easy option for you. Like fuck the kid coz you can't be bothered. Only a total cunt would allow that with their child.

    If bringing up a kid is not summing you want to do then don't have a kid, period.



    To be quite honest Narc, I’ve rarely looked at my adoption in a bad light until about 5 or so years ago. The reason for that is because it was found out that back in the 60s and 70s the Catholics were stealing babies from unwed mothers. They’d house them throughout their pregnancy under the guise of being helpful through their pregnancy; then they’d steal the babies. Guess what? I was adopted through catholic charities, so the likelihood of my mother not wanting me is low.

    Giving up a child for adoption is usually considered a selfless choice here in America. It’s easy to abort. People make mistakes and get pregnant, usually at a young age. I’d rather they give them up for adoption than abort them. Adopting a baby in the US costs 10s of thousands of dollars, there are 10 yr or longer waiting lists to get children. I don’t see it as a bad thing at all.
  3. #43
    Ghost Black Hole
    Yeah I could have murdered the child instead would you prefer that Narc?
  4. #44
    Archer513 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by HTS As an adoptee lemme just say that, straight up, primal wound theory is bullshit. It has never bothered me. It bothers people who I tell that I'm adopted more than it bothers me. Y'all are retarded.

  5. #45
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Ughhu I miss calling people fags and it not being a big deal. Same with retard, I get bad looks if I call someone retarded now

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