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Ghost's favorite word is cuck...

  1. #21
    Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by aldra so she only gets molested 1/3 of the time?

    I don't think impotent people would have a crazy desire to molest children they adopt.
  2. #22
    Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by Ghost Because I spread my genetic material which is the entire point of existing as a human male while you dick around getting pissed on by fat chicks.

    Being adopted is a headfuck that stays in a kids head for life. It niggles away in the back of your mind that you're just garbage and your own parents just threw you out like trash.

    Besides, any piss stain can get a girl pregnant. But only a real man can manage raising a kid. Weak faggots go off a leave that to somebody else coz they're just failures in life and know full well raising a child is way beyond their abilities.

  3. #23
    Ghost Black Hole
    What are you some kind of expert? Seems to me like you're just talking out your ass.

    I breed bitches and move on, Genghis Scron

    I will have 1000 children when I die
  4. #24
    Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by Ghost What are you some kind of expert?

    Yeah I am actually.

  5. #25
    Ghost Black Hole
    An expert at having low sperm count maybe.
  6. #26
    HTS highlight reel
    Originally posted by Narc Being adopted is a headfuck that stays in a kids head for life. It niggles away in the back of your mind that you're just garbage and your own parents just threw you out like trash.

    As an adoptee lemme just say that, straight up, primal wound theory is bullshit. It has never bothered me. It bothers people who I tell that I'm adopted more than it bothers me. Y'all are retarded.
  7. #27
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by HTS I'm adopted

    explains a lot
  8. #28
    HTS highlight reel
    Originally posted by aldra explains a lot

    Plenty of people way more fucked up than me who aren't adopted.
  9. #29
    Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by HTS As an adoptee lemme just say that, straight up, primal wound theory is bullshit. It has never bothered me. It bothers people who I tell that I'm adopted more than it bothers me. Y'all are retarded.

    I was adopted myself. And I'm a few years ahead of you on this trip.

    Also, take a fucking look at yourself, you're literally the definition of the word fuck-up.

  10. #30
    HTS highlight reel
    Originally posted by Narc I was adopted myself. And I'm a few years ahead of you on this trip.

    Also, take a fucking look at yourself, you're literally the definition of the word fuck-up.


    Sure, but it ain't got shit to do with being adopted. Just like it doesn't for the numerous people who are as fucked up as me (or more than) who... aren't adopted. 🤔

    Like... correlation and causation and all that. Come on. Only a supreme fuckup would try to blame it on being an adoptee, which makes sense seeing as you're a junkie fuck and a "sex addict" who is used to pretending he doesn't have agency.
  11. #31
    Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by HTS Sure, but it ain't got shit to do with being adopted. Just like it doesn't for the numerous people who are as fucked up as me (or more than) who… aren't adopted. 🤔

    Like… correlation and causation and all that. Come on.

    Plenty of adoptees are fucked up one way or another, more so than not. If you don't want your kid to be a fuck up then the best option is to man up and do your duty to your fucking kid. Not wimp out like a soppy little faggot and leave your parental duty to a couple of strangers, who no matter how hard they try will never be able to make your child feel like they are a 100% member of your family coz it will always be there in the back of their mind that they're not really. Not like every other person there, at one of the many family get togethers you'll get dragged along to during the course of your lifetime.

  12. #32
    Ghost Black Hole
    Nah I have met plenty of adopted people that don't have those problems.

    You're just a beta that blames your problems on imaginary bullshit. Do you also have memories of being taken from your birth parents and forced to live with strangers?

    People that blame their problems on things like being adopted are the worst kind of people and emanate weakness
  13. #33
    Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by Ghost Nah I have met plenty of adopted people that don't have those problems.

    You're just a beta that blames your problems on imaginary bullshit. Do you also have memories of being taken from your birth parents and forced to live with strangers?

    People that blame their problems on things like being adopted are the worst kind of people and emanate weakness

    Is that what you tell yourself to enable you to sleep at night?

  14. #34
    Ghost Black Hole
    I sleep at night just fine I don't have to tell myself anything because I'm not some whiny bitch that blames all my problems on my past.
  15. #35
    WellHung Black Hole (banned)
    Everyone should believe in themselves.
  16. #36
    Ghost Black Hole
    You zaid it gont
  17. #37
    Technologist victim of incest
    Originally posted by Narc Being adopted is a headfuck that stays in a kids head for life. It niggles away in the back of your mind that you're just garbage and your own parents just threw you out like trash.

    Besides, any piss stain can get a girl pregnant. But only a real man can manage raising a kid. Weak faggots go off a leave that to somebody else coz they're just failures in life and know full well raising a child is way beyond their abilities.


    Aww come on Narc. That’s total BS, and so is Aldra’s ideas about adoptees being molested.

    I was adopted, my sis was adopted, and so was my nephew and niece. Not one of us were molested. Saying we weren’t wanted by our parents doesn’t bother me, because I know I’m more wanted by my adoptive parents that most children born into their family. My parents had to jump through many hoops to get my sister and myself. Never once has being adopted felt like a bad thing. I’m thankful for it.
  18. #38
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Technologist Aww come on Narc. That’s total BS, and so is Aldra’s ideas about adoptees being molested.

    I wasn't exactly being serious, but adopters and especially foster parents have a significantly higher rate of child abuse than regular parents
  19. #39
    Technologist victim of incest
    After I wrote that I thought you might be talking off the cuff, Aldra. You’re much smarter than that.

    I could probably see what you’re saying possibly being true for foster kids, the parents don’t have to go through the rigorous back ground check that adoptive parents do; and adoptive parents have to put out 10s of thousand of dollars for adoption. Foster parents get money from the gov to raise foster children. I’ve seen some real scum use foster kids as a paycheck. On lady spoke of how she was fostering another child, on top of 5, because she needed more money! Conversely I know some great foster parents:
  20. #40
    Originally posted by Ghost that can't find a girlfriend

    Anyone else see the problem with this?
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