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Narcy is a loser faggot

  1. #21
    GGG victim of incest [my veinlike two-fold aepyornidae]
    If your girlfriend is cool she won't cost much. Definitely WAY less than a hooker. My ex and I went half anf half on everything and it was sweet. Going out to eat once or twice a week and just paying for my own food? Hell yeah. Would've spent my entire paycheck on sex if i was fucking hookers instead.
  2. #22
    tee hee hee Naturally Camouflaged [slangily complete this slumberer]
    Originally posted by Narc Bump coz I not that bothered lol


    Why do u put a period there in ur posts?
  3. #23
    Originally posted by Narc Bump coz I not that bothered lol


    dont bump too hard it might bent your dick.
  4. #24
    Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Narc Its worth the money to save you all the fucking about. I still bang normal chicks an all tho.

    And I bet Bill Krozby won't be banging 21 year olds when he's in his mid forties. Not consensually anyway.


    my dad is 56 and he dates 20 year olds.

    He also gets accused of rape and voyuerism a lot
  5. #25 Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Narc Its worth the money to save you all the fucking about. I still bang normal chicks an all tho.

    And I bet Bill Krozby won't be banging 21 year olds when he's in his mid forties. Not consensually anyway.


    Do they shower beforehand?
    or do they come preshowered and smell really nice?

    what is the sex like? can't be tight. or do they have controll of musles usage down there? do you role play with them?

    why is it something as natural as breathing is viewed as a sin? I mean if you're rich, you get a high end hooker to take your money and bare you children and let others do her wifely chores but if you only pay them without a marriage certification.. it's illegal!
    unless you have a video camera and post it online. then it's porn and legal.

    crazy world. I can't protect myself in nanny state cali with the cat burgler falls through glass ceiling and sues me, but if I pay a chick to fuck me I got to jail.

    Priorities are all fucked up here. At least decriminalize it so cops don't spend their time on it and waste their time to right you a ticket on it. yet gives them the right to hang their hat in a legitimate case where you were a violent person and they can use that. or not.

    I mean, go to a club (which clubs hire chicks to flirt with guys in order to buy the big drinks) and they most likely dont put out. but you went to a meat market for obvious purpse vs fuck all that shit and spend maybe twice to get what you want?

  6. #26
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Ghost my dad is 56 and he dates 20 year olds.

    He also gets accused of rape and voyuerism a lot

    I thought your dad was kidnapped and missing
  7. #27
    Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by GGG If your girlfriend is cool she won't cost much. Definitely WAY less than a hooker. My ex and I went half anf half on everything and it was sweet. Going out to eat once or twice a week and just paying for my own food? Hell yeah. Would've spent my entire paycheck on sex if i was fucking hookers instead.

    I'm a man tho, I would be fucking embarrassed to have the chick paying, especially going halves ffs. It makes you look like you can't take care of your woman
    I just couldn't allow that, its called pride and not being a pussy faggot.

  8. #28
    Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny dont bump too hard it might bent your dick.

    Lol, you really think that bothers me for some reason, don't ya?

    Why is that banny? Why on earth would I give a shit?

  9. #29
    DontTellEm Black Hole
    Lol. Do u take the women u pay for sex out to dinner?
  10. #30
    Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by Ghost my dad is 56 and he dates 20 year olds.

    He also gets accused of rape and voyuerism a lot

    He must be a right creepy cunt then. Is that where you get it from?

  11. #31
    Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by DontTellEm Lol. Do u take the women u pay for sex out to dinner?

    Fuck off, I make sure they earn their money hard AF. But then I do my best for it to be a pleasurable experience for her too, tbf.

  12. #32
    GGG victim of incest [my veinlike two-fold aepyornidae]
    Originally posted by Narc I'm a man tho, I would be fucking embarrassed to have the chick paying, especially going halves ffs. It makes you look like you can't take care of your woman
    I just couldn't allow that, its called pride and not being a pussy faggot.


    It's called equality.

    I'll pay on a first date but I don't like letting women use me for free food and drinks and dick. Women have equal rights, so they should use them to get a fucking job and pay half the bill.
  13. #33
    Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by Do they shower beforehand?
    or do they come preshowered and smell really nice?

    I've never had one that was dirty. Although I've only ever paid 3 prostitutes in my life, not like I do it all the time.

    Funny one was when I was seeing that kitty chick last year, the one who was working but I was seeing her but wasn't paying her myself. The first time I fucked her she turned round to me and said 'thanks for getting clean before doing that'. I thought that was real cute thing to say. But then it made me realize that the poor girl prolly had to service some right dirty cunts. That must be fucking horrible.

    what is the sex like? can't be tight. or do they have controll of musles usage down there? do you role play with them?

    That Romanian chick the other week was only 18 and had a lovely tight wet puss on her. Fucking her was absolutely lovely.

    Never role played, no. I was gonna ask her for a golden shower but she didn't speak a word of English so i didn't bother. Just asking her for a blowjob was hard enough. Having to use the international sign language for 'gis a blowy' every time was a bit awkward enough, lol.

  14. #34
    Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by GGG It's called equality.

    I'll pay on a first date but I don't like letting women use me for free food and drinks and dick. Women have equal rights, so they should use them to get a fucking job and pay half the bill.

    You really are a little faggot int ya?

  15. #35
    GGG victim of incest [my veinlike two-fold aepyornidae]
    Why don't you come up with a real response you goddamned neanderthal.

    Brits have the highest concentration of neanderthal DNA. You can tell by their protruding jaws and jutting foreheads.
  16. #36
    Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by GGG Why don't you come up with a real response you goddamned neanderthal.

    Brits have the highest concentration of neanderthal DNA. You can tell by their protruding jaws and jutting foreheads.

    I never let a woman foot the bill with me tho. Its called being a man.

  17. #37
    A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    british people are reatards

  18. #38
    DontTellEm Black Hole
    Originally posted by Narc Fuck off, I make sure they earn their money hard AF. But then I do my best for it to be a pleasurable experience for her too, tbf.


    Positive u do zero. & I'll come to ur 'flat' & beat the fuck out of u just cuz ur not shit.
  19. #39 Space Nigga
    I really fucked up with letting the woman pay. I wish I could go back and turn that around. I was just being a sissy about equal rights where the women were taking "Jobs away from me"

    but if a woman makes more than you and you're married or girlfriend/boyfriend roomies, then even if the guy is paying out of his own wallet, we know much of that came from her. unless you take money aside and put it in a special account to take them out, one could still argue they still paid for it somewhere else.

    it's kind of like arguing Abortion or G-ds existence. it's kind of something you don't want to talk about because of the bounce back and forth/waste of time issue.

    I can tell you this, I am sure in the UK or France and such, Chivalry" *In the sense of being proper and opening a door.. not sure how that word really is proper for" It's Ok to open a door for a lady. expected almost. but in the USA.. you just get a woman who might smile and go in, look at you and nod and go in but about every 1/5 women (in California) they stop and grab the door and tell you to go in. this is the "strong liberal minded" woman i would get annoyed at. I don't anymore. I don't trip on much. maybe laugh but that's about it.

    So, perhaps let those women pay for your dinner?
  20. #40
    Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Have you any idea how much girls spend to look nice and sexy for us? I mean all we need is a bar of soap, some shampoo and toothpaste. They get that plus shit loads more. Have you ever noticed all the potions and lotions and shit girls have in their room? That shit costs a lot of money. Getting hair done, moisturizers, make up, skin creams, smelly things, nails done, eye brows, accessories, clothes, underwear, shoes, jedielry, boob jobs, lips done. Even the stuff to clean everything off costs a fortune.

    The least you can do is show appreciation by feeding and drinking the girl, cover the cost of the doors and cabs and whatever. Fuck me is that too much for you? As a man who likes his bit of skirt to look hot for him. Especially when you go out, the hotter she looks the better it reflects on you.

    That's how things have always been. Its not sexist, its like that for a reason .

    Plus if you want the girl to stick around then it shows her you are man enough to make a living that is up to an acceptable standard and not gonna be some broke ass mofo that won't be able to put a roof over her head while she's looking g after your children.

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