2015-08-19 at 9:16 AM UTC
level 0: caffeine and alcohol
level 1: wellbutrin and kavalactones <- peasant me right now
level 2: benzedrex and poppy tea
level 3: ritalin and hydrocodone
level 3.3: adderall and oxycodone
level 3.6: dexedrine and dilaudid
level 4: heroin and cocaine/methamphetamine
boss level: [h=1]4-Methylaminorex[/h] and [h=1]Desomorphine (Krokodil)[/h]
2015-08-19 at 9:40 AM UTC
this thread is stupid and i feel like shit
2015-08-19 at 3:55 PM UTC
I'd slam 4-methylaminorex and desomorphine. That shit would be glorious.
2015-08-19 at 5:25 PM UTC
if codeine were easily available here, I would try making me some krokodil
2015-08-19 at 6:39 PM UTC
which part of your body would you necrotize first?
2015-08-19 at 6:43 PM UTC
for focalin and oxycodone is actually pretty nice
not euphoric because I don't remember what euphoric feels like but its pretty nice