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I SO want to fuck this chick!

  1. #1
    AFJ Houston
    Also, inb4 trap...
    Because someone would've said it.
    It looks female... but in the case that its not... as long as it had all the female parts and sounded female, I would still fuck "her" A LOT.

  2. #2
    Her fashion sense is way off. Vampire, blue hair, and pink belong to separate fashion types. She would look better with blonde or grey hair and no pink, except for the pink of her vagina, which I would spend hours plunging my geezer cock in and out of.
  3. #3
    Absolutely disgusting. The only thing going for that creature is a flat chest but I'm sure the personality that goes along with it is abhorrent enough to make me not even a slight bit curious how it looks naked.

    Who the fuck dresses like that?, I would not want to be seen in public with such a person if that was their every day atire. Is there a picture of her/it wearing normal clothes and not dressed up like a cosplay convention?

    People like that are peacocks, they have no personality so they hide their dull character with bright colors and outlandish attire. These people might be interesting and sexy at first but they quickly lose appeal.

    I have fantasies of brutally murdering people like this, fuck them and their stupid little deluded worlds, this person is just an attention whore. I would like to see them In a place like Saudi Arabia or Islamic State

  4. #4
    AFJ Houston

  5. #5
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Absolutely disgusting. The only thing going for that creature is a flat chest but I'm sure the personality that goes along with it is abhorrent enough to make me not even a slight bit curious how it looks naked.

    Who the fuck dresses like that?, I would not want to be seen in public with such a person if that was their every day atire. Is there a picture of her/it wearing normal clothes and not dressed up like a cosplay convention?

    People like that are peacocks, they have no personality so they hide their dull character with bright colors and outlandish attire. These people might be interesting and sexy at first but they quickly lose appeal.

    I have fantasies of brutally murdering people like this, fuck them and their stupid little deluded worlds, this person is just an attention whore. I would like to see them In a place like Saudi Arabia or Islamic State

    Fucking this, I was going to comment on this thread earlier, but I've been working on not being an asshole as much. But I'm tripping balls right now and I'm laughing my balls off right now looking at that picture. It's fucking goofy as hell, I dont know what part of the country OP is from where he thinks thats attractive...., it doesn't even look real, she looks like a fucking muppet or something.. But hey if that's your thing...

    Last night I went to see korn and robe zombie at a race track lol (everyones like dude thats hoakey as hell) and I know it is, but I still went because I have a sick curiosity.., and boy let me tell you son, that it was quite the experience, my friend and I stood out like sore thumbs (i thought I looked weird and freaky), I didn't realize I looked so normal until I saw these people. It was full of guys and girls that looked like that. I felt like I was in san antonio or something. And the real kicker was some of these chicks dressed like that must of been 300lbs or more and it was so cringey... Hell I even took my shirt off because I felt so secure with my body around those people.

    korn and robe zombie though I have to admit showed a lot of appreciation for the retards that frequent there shows and keep them "relevant"

    I'll stick to my slampigs, spank you very much, fam...

    when I saw that picture I immediately thought of that nofx album art...

  6. #6

    That's better. I dig collar bones.
  7. #7
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    She looks like a mouse.
  8. #8

    Ding ding ding ding ding!!!!!

  9. #9
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    if you don't know, she's dressed up as a LoL character; doubt she always looks like that.

    I really like that song for some reason. maybe because the first time I heard it it was embedded in a very strange porno.
  10. #10
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    *adds two more known child molesters to Master Child Molester List*
  11. #11
    if you don't know, she's dressed up as a LoL character; doubt she always looks like that.

    Ding ding ding ding ding DING.. ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding..

    21. Is into “cosplay.” [FONT=Georgia][SIZE=16px]Dressing up like sexy versions of cartoon and video-game characters is little more than a thinly veiled form of sexual-attention seeking from men.[/SIZE][/FONT]
  12. #12
    AFJ Houston
    This chick is, literally, perfect for me.
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