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Trip report mushrooms

  1. #1
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    I've done mushrooms plenty of times when I was younger, but I hadn't done them in about 8 years, so I feel as this experience holds some significance into having not taken them in years and being at a different period in my life. This is my story

    A few days ago I welcomed a new girl into the neighborhood who I will call "K" I was stupid drunk and I felt like she was upset when she told me to leave after giving me a lap dance. I personally didn't like her after talking to her for a while and she told me to leave. Then today I asked her if she'd like to watch a horror movie with me, she came over and brought dinner. I was feeling like eating and we just watched the movie. She told me the movie was to scary and asked if we could just listen to music, I agreed as I didn't care to see "the grudge" for the 100th time. She asked if I had condoms and I told her I don't but I wont cum in her, she insisted we go back to her place where she has condoms. I agree again.

    I'm laying on her bed and she brings me a brew, tells me that she has been taking shrooms a lot recently. I brush it off because I don't really do stuff like that anymore, but she ask me If I want some that she still has a bunch left. I say sure, and she brings out some capsules with a brown powder in them (i've never seen shrooms like that before, she claims the guy that gave them to her dries them and makes it into a powder then capsules them. I open up and swallow 4 capsules. They sure tasted like shrooms.

    They kick in really fast and I start feeling very relaxed (coming up on shrooms in the past always made me feel very sick and anxious, that's why I prefer acid)
    She ask me to put on some music, I put on "pig destroyers prowler in the yard" and start tripping balls. We ent up having sex a couple times, I never came because I'm against condoms, but she claims she did) I jerk off a couple times, accidently gave my self a money shot in my beard. We end up listening to all the pig destroyer albums in a row and talk about how we hate having to work for the man and discuss rape culture in america.

    She tells me that the first time she met me she was afraid of me by the way I acted because she's been raped, but Implies she can tell I have a pure soul. I start getting intense stomach pains from the shrooms and start sweating like crazy. I go to shit my guts out but nothing comes out except insane asshole noises. I come out of the bathroom and she tells me I should eat something but I decline

    After about 6 hours I end up walking home still tripping for some reason, I sit outside my place and watch the stars for a while. I go in and eat some of the chicken she left. I shower up and when I got on my bed I kind of bent forward and my favorite underwear ripped right on the asshole part of it.(ironicly since I've been shitting my guts out lately) I almost broke into analitycal tears over it. It made me realize life is fragile, and sometimes you have to just let go. I went out on to my balcony, took my underwear off and through them off the side. I stood there for a few minutes about to cry about the nothingness of life, but then I realized that realizing that can have poetic beauty. My new neighbor this indian dude walked up the stairs (this was at like 4:30 am) and yelled at me "what the fuck is wrong with you fucking guy!" and I said "everything man" and walked back into my place.

    What was strange about these shrooms was I definitely tripped but it wasn't at all how I used to remember shrooms being, it was almost like it was a trippier form of xtc.
    But yeah that was my trip.

  2. #2
    Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    BTW, the reason mushrooms cause nausea is due to the indigestible chitin that forms their cell walls and is broken down by cooking. This is part of the reason why I recommend making tea. The heat does not diminish potency as psilocin is so fragile to heat and oxidation that dehydration will already have caused all the damage it's going to do, and there will be no noticeable difference in potency. This makes for a much more pleasant trip, both physically and psychologically, the latter due to physical ailments strongly affecting the mind and the initial emotive shift setting the tone for many, particularly for those who find it takes long for to shift away from negative mental states, and causes it to kick in faster.

    Latter gastrointestinal upset, the feeling of a need to defecate can be caused by peripheral serotonin's effect on the walls of the intestine, smooth muscle contractions. This is part of the reason I wanted to try psychedelics combined with Zofran, an anti-emetic that works via anatagonism of 5-HT3, which causes a potent effect on nausea. Fortunately others had had the same idea, and reports you can find suggest that not only is it highly effective, but it may strongly potentiate psychs, and even change the nature of some (I recall someone found that it made inhalation of DMT more like ayahuasca).
  3. #3
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    I think im going to post my trip report on erowid
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