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Is moving out hard?

  1. #1
    If I just got any ol' part time min wage job could I still move out if I split rent with room-mates?
  2. #2
    CountBlah Tuskegee Airman
    Just find a cheap spot and some roomies man. Sling some dope, shoplift and do other ill shit. Fuck workin for DA MAN
  3. #3
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
  4. #4
    Depending on the state you live in probably. You might wanna look for more than minimum wage but that wont be hard as a lot of places are starting at between $8-$10 an hour as to satisfy demand.

    I make 8 bucks an hour right now and I live comfortably enough with one room mate.
  5. #5
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Not if you make enough money to support yourself.
  6. #6
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Just find a cheap spot and some roomies man. Sling some dope, shoplift and do other ill shit. Fuck workin for DA MAN

    heeerp deeerp jeeeert, don't sell drugs or shoplift. And yes it could be hard, I've been homeless a couple times. I just hate living with my parents so much though
  7. #7
    Is moving out hard?


    ...But I am. ;)

    Nah just kidding, I'm depressed as fuck, I won't be getting it up for at least a couple of days...
  8. #8
    Duke Zion Tuskegee Airman
    Yea but you will be living paycheck to paycheck. Best to just save up before moving out right away. The thing about minimum wage jobs is they are not secure, you can get fired or laid off for any reason. See how you like the job and if it seems it will be something u can see yourself doing for a undetermined amount of time. If that is the case it's best to save up for deposit on apt and bills and have money set aside in case something unexpected happens or you just get pissed off and tired of your job or co workers (it happens I have done it before) that way u can buy some time while you are looking for another job
  9. #9
    I moved out for the first time when I was 17 and I was a DINK at the time.

    When you actually have to go find a place and pay damage deposit and line up trucks that's the hardest part, as long as you have a decent job all you need is a few hundred $/month to feel normal.

    I let every single one of my friends live with me while they scammed welfare, taxes, sold drugs and worked and I'm still back at my moms basement like I'm 16 years old.

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