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Anti-psychotics are not bullshit

  1. #1
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink

    yeah i totaly love being a depressed weirdo that can't even drink grape fruit juice or have fun with my kids and acts like a victim constantly..

    fuck youtube for playing this commericial over and over and over and over again

    who watches a commercial and goes oh shit i need that! marketing at its "finest"

    god these drugs aren't even cool

    psyche drugs are a huge scam and farce.

    when I was a kid I used to take anti-psychotics and anti-depressants and I didn't see the appeal in being a brain dead idiot drooling on his desk at school. At least being a drunk I can still some what function and have a little bit of fun.

  2. #2
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    I wouldn't say they're bullshit, but they should really only be prescribed for very narrow illnesses

    why advertise to the public though? these medications are prescription and as such, will be sold based on the doctor's judgment... they're either designed to make patients pressure their doctors into prescribing medicine they likely don't need or to encourage people to buy from online offshore pharmacies - either seems pretty immoral and/or illegal.
  3. #3
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^yeah you're completely right, there are extreme cases. I used to work in a psyche hospital and some people really need to "cool it" and get on something quick.

    But too many people are on drugs these days. And they way they promote them is down right disgusting.

    Funny how all the commercials mention that these drugs may cause depression and suicide.. and then people go out and shoot up a bunch of people. the worst time in my life was when I was these drugs and I regret taking them so much.
  4. #4
    I don't see anything wrong with mass shootings and suicide, I wish there were more of them.

    These drugs promote chaos.. They only make you better at killing humans (yourself or others) it removes the barriers in your brain and adjusts your serotonin to rid of that nagging conscious and morals. I don't think the drugs actually help people, its just a MASSIVE trillion dollar cartel. DSM IV has been disproven for a decade now. Look at treatments in the 30's and 40's for the same issues vs modern day. Its clearly a New world order conspiracy but everyone is too doped up on cigs, beer, weed, pills, sugar, coffee, fast food and technology.

    Humans are purposely killing ourselves off and relying on drugs and technology. We are stronger and live longer, survival of the fittest, less humans = more resources.

    I procured 2x100mg Quintanapine. I'm gonna take it tomorrow and see if I turn into a commando psycho killer

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