Originally posted by gadzooks
That's hella depressing.
You might benefit from mixing things up and trying new drug combinations.
But yeah, essentially, you're right.
Life is shitty, and drugs are just a coping mechanism.
Now I'm sad. :(
But if I take more G and drink more liquour, life will get better. At least temporarily.
hahah you gotta accept this shit. and really? I gotta try new drug combinations? look not trying to get into a dick waving contest but a dozen different drugs, uppers, downers, psychs, was a nice thursday, I've done a billion amazing drug combinations. I know how great it can be.
but you have to admit, especially the longer you're used to it the more you're like wow, this is absolutely nothing, all I can literally experience is my immortal soul. then you have to deal with your soul that has done nothing but hide from itself since the beginning of the universe.
seriously what the fuck are you even thinking when you're getting high these days? I knew what it was like when everything was new and fun and amazing and I could call myself a psychonaught unironically without cringing. Even blasting DMT straight to your veins, if you're a greedy novelty vampire like the denizens of this forum, it gets OLD. Yeah yeah, blasting out into the infinite joy and love of a universe that's incomprehensible and angelic. Or maybe going into some dark salvia trip of pure hyper sadism, eating Jupiter eating his children.
or maybe you're just cruising down pure bliss street on heroin avenue. except the neighborhood is full a bunch of noisy assholes and the city won't even pave the fucking street and everyday you're more pissed off than you're even enjoying your nice little house in the city of opium. so then I guess you fucking tweek out for twelve thousands years straight and you've fucked, fought, and forgotten fucking everything and the only thing left to do is twitch with muscle memory, doing nothing new and only responding to the most basic of liserd brain bullshit.
its okay though, this drink is on me.
extended editing (it's better than double posting) -
i mean, where is your head at when you're one a fucking good one? like that perfect mix of uppers/downers, where you are just in control and none of your problems matter anymore. you take drugs for a reason, you want to get high. but what the fuck do you do when you're high?
you're just like, yeah, I'm high, well done, feeling good.
but you know the high is already running out and honestly it wasn't enough to begin with and you probably got ripped off by that dirty bastard that is always trying to pull a fast one on you. so then you're stuck with this fleeting sensation that well, I'm fucking high and I'm enjoying this so I had better live it up. the closer and closer you get to an actual feeling of happiness the more you feel the void sucking in your soul because these temporary light shows in your brain do nothing for your soul. bandaids on the niagra.
there is no way out