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I was just in the woods

  1. #81 Space Nigga
    Originally posted by mmQ My pussy hurts because a guy just plowed it so hard that it, well, made me hurt. He didn't even care about my feelings or me saying stop. He tore it apart. Rude. I told him that. Rude I said. You're being rude. Did he stop plowing my pussy? No. He plowed HARDER after I said stop. I don't know what it about MEN but they're very fucked up. No respect. At all. Very very sad.

    You should of spat on your hand and rubbed it in for him. You're the rude bitch, bitch!

    Hey, I'm gonna come up to ND and you can meet me in Western ND and we can become roughneck for 70k a year (starting off)

    Maybe we can build an underground hut to stay warm in the wintertime instead of wasting it on rent (which I'm told towns in Western ND have rents as high as San Francisco because of the housing crunch for Shale workers)

    What say. I always see you at home. Lets go make some real money doing real work. spinning a chain around a pipe drill all day long.

    I'll drag ACP along for the ride. he loves to dig holes under houses.. maybe we can dig a secret tunnel under a barn and live under it.. if we can put up with the cow urine year round.
  2. #82 Space Nigga
    Dunn County. Killdeer I think is a college town. Maybe we can hook up with some college ladies and move in with them.. rent out their bath or closet
  3. #83
    RisiR † 29 Autism
    What company do you drive for?
  4. #84
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by You should of spat on your hand and rubbed it in for him. You're the rude bitch, bitch!

    Hey, I'm gonna come up to ND and you can meet me in Western ND and we can become roughneck for 70k a year (starting off)

    Maybe we can build an underground hut to stay warm in the wintertime instead of wasting it on rent (which I'm told towns in Western ND have rents as high as San Francisco because of the housing crunch for Shale workers)

    What say. I always see you at home. Lets go make some real money doing real work. spinning a chain around a pipe drill all day long.

    I'll drag ACP along for the ride. he loves to dig holes under houses.. maybe we can dig a secret tunnel under a barn and live under it.. if we can put up with the cow urine year round.

    How about just come to eastern ND FARGO where I am, and we ruff neck it there. That would be gay. Come here.
  5. #85 Space Nigga
    Originally posted by RisiR † What company do you drive for?

    I got "Deactivated" but mostly was Lyft. Uber didn't pay much.

    there is something called Wingz. I see it at the Airport. Havn't looked into it. But Wingz has a place in the pickup client region where the shuttles also come in.

    I was thinking of driving for one of those old people buses that pick up elderly and disable.

    the other thing is a airport shuttle bus. they go in circles all day long. off airport parking is one of them. they dont pay much, but I want the dental. and or TSA.

    But ND oil-roughneck work is idea too
  6. #86
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by mmQ My pussy hurts because a guy just plowed it so hard that it, well, made me hurt. He didn't even care about my feelings or me saying stop. He tore it apart. Rude. I told him that. Rude I said. You're being rude. Did he stop plowing my pussy? No. He plowed HARDER after I said stop. I don't know what it about MEN but they're very fucked up. No respect. At all. Very very sad.

    Wait.. you have a muff??
  7. #87 Space Nigga
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Wait.. you have a muff??

    He likes to fantasize or he's channeling
  8. #88
    DontTellEm Black Hole
  9. #89 Space Nigga
    Originally posted by mmQ How about just come to eastern ND FARGO where I am, and we ruff neck it there. That would be gay. Come here.

    I'm not into shaft-smashing

    I was trying to be serious. Make some decent money, save it for several years.. then split and buy some land in Texas or NM and dig in for the Apocalypse.

    Even Spez from Reddit is a prepper. lol
  10. #90
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by I'm not into shaft-smashing

    I was trying to be serious. Make some decent money, save it for several years.. then split and buy some land in Texas or NM and dig in for the Apocalypse.

    Even Spez from Reddit is a prepper. lol

    What makes you think I wasn't being serious? Lol. Obviously no offense but no, I don't want to randomly move to west Dakota and work on the rigs with you. I don't think. I'd die of meth.
  11. #91 Space Nigga
    Originally posted by mmQ What makes you think I wasn't being serious? Lol. Obviously no offense but no, I don't want to randomly move to west Dakota and work on the rigs with you. I don't think. I'd die of meth.

    You don't have to do meth. I think that's down in Texas that they force their workers to do this.

    I would think the cold alone would keep you awake.

    My only concern is getting pneumonia or some shit. the winters are brutal there. breathing in that wet cold air all day long.
  12. #92
    RisiR † 29 Autism
    I'll work the rigs. Secure me a job and buy me a ticket and I'm all in. I'll die of meth no problem.
  13. #93
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by RisiR † I'll work the rigs. Secure me a job and buy me a ticket and I'm all in. I'll die of meth no problem.

    The job is already secure. You can't NOT get a job on the fields unless you're a literal clump of retard. Ticket? You have money nigger.
  14. #94
    RisiR † 29 Autism
    What the fuck fields, man? I thought we were shooting up meth.
  15. #95
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by RisiR † What the fuck fields, man? I thought we were shooting up meth.

    OH. Rigs. I get it.

  16. #96 Space Nigga
    Originally posted by RisiR † I'll work the rigs. Secure me a job and buy me a ticket and I'm all in. I'll die of meth no problem.

    If I could i would.

    that would be entertaining. a bunch of us single old fuckers living together in a cabin house in west Dakota in the dead of winter.

    I'v never been in weather lower than 28 degrees. let alone -28
  17. #97
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by If I could i would.

    that would be entertaining. a bunch of us single old fuckers living together in a cabin house in west Dakota in the dead of winter.

    I'v never been in weather lower than 28 degrees. let alone -28

    Are you familiar with the user Tortilla? Lol
  18. #98
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Also -28 is practically the same as positive 28. Farehnhiet for the losers. In my opinion once it's cold as fuck, it's cold as fuck. Negative 60 degree wind chill is a different thing.
  19. #99
    RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by mmQ -_1

    You talkin to me, boy?
  20. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by RisiR † You talkin to me, boy?

    Are you retarded, girl?
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