Lol in my cocaine neighborhood the crackhos would slap your shit for holding the pipe like that facing downwards with such a kraey flame. Your also supposed to start the video showing a small thing of CIG pack foil with a small rock innit and show you loading the pipe right full and do a fat ringer that makes your eyes go crooked.
Does your pipe have brillo?? You gotta use the brillo man it collects all the residue you push it back and forth and get residue blasts.
Me personally I never liked the pyrex straight shooters, I use a water bong with brillo stuffed in the stem and a fat glass bowl, good weed with crack and tobac through water will make you hit the floor AND I LIKE HITTING THE FLOOR. "If you can put it down its not strong enough"
A good treat better high than the glass tube is roll a home rollie of good organic tobacco and sprinkle some crack innit CRACK AND TOBAC man it's the best.
If you wanna be the kingpin of crackheads brush up on your kitchen chemistry, get a bit of money and get some SOFT white powder from the Vietnamese or Mexicans (a few g's) and get it FISHSCALE UNCUT no filler and use a good AMMONIA solution to freebase it 100% conversion. Weak crack is mostly aerated whipped white big rock baking soda garbage that turns to gum before smoke. That shit is trash. Real crack is HARD small off white slightly yellow rocks that SMOKE SMOKE SMOKE and make your eyes krisscross.
Not pan / stove whipped freezer frozen baking soda matrix ice cube tray bic and spoon trash. If your a white person with big ass Erlenmeyers and test tubes all around the house and you freebase the powder cold no heat with ammonia or sodium CARBONATE not bicarb and make an actually decent product (not hard to practice PH freebasing of other HCL salts) and a gang member sees you do this YOU WILL GET HIRED AS A CRACK CHEF!! . I knew white people that made Whip butter crack in big spoons until the locals gave him a zip 28grams (also it was cut) and I watched the guy go MAD dumping baking soda in the pan and smoking that gooey going "FUCK FUCK WHY ISNT IT GOING ROCK?!? WHY GOD" and then the bikers went "for a ride" to the forest and he was never hears from again.
If your smart like me though you can find shitty crack cooks like I do and "pick up the pieces" if their mess if you know any bench chemistry and then dealers and gang sters LOVE the white chef and you can become a Cook or a tester (I used to be a tester for a Vietnamese gang) they imported barrels of "gasoline" which was liquid cocaine and evaporated for pure uncut but the gang chemist didn't wash the powder right so it tasted like acetone and didn't cook right because of SOLVENT RESIDUE. Dealers used to have me test their product because I know pure drugs the taste and how it smells, looks, etc. Its a great job if you dont mind the crack scene.
HUGE WHITE ROCKS too much white this is WEAK ASS BAKING SODA crack