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Pedosexuality is perfectly fine and healthy

  1. #1
    PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    You start craving sex at 13 and 14 so obviously that's the age when you should begin making hankey pankey with people of the opposite sex.
    Here is the thing though, what differentiatea a young person having sex with another of a similar age or of a significantly older person?
    You can't justify that having sex with a young person is abnormal or wrong.
    Young women are obviously made for sex and that is the ideal age for a man to prefer in a mate.
    Having sex with older persons produces a lot of health defects, among them include autism.
    Young people should do the fucking while the elders take care of the offspring.

    BTW I saw a delicious loli at Wendy's earlier ... I wanted to ravage her body to a pulp with my sex organ but unfortunately she was so consumed by her "smart"phone.
  2. #2
    cupocheer Space Nigga [unwillingly condescend the dp]
    Another foot fetish thread?

    The end.
  3. #3
    "what differentiates a young person having sex with another of a similar age or of a significantly older person?"

    The law young fellow, the law!!
  4. #4
    Bologna Nacho African Astronaut
    Tell your story to the cops.
  5. #5
    blackbird African Astronaut
    Technically pedo refers to prepubescent children.
  6. #6
    DontTellEm Black Hole
    Bow down before the one you serve...
  7. #7
    Originally posted by blackbird Technically pedo refers to prepubescent children.

    That's the original definition yes, now it's used liberally by anyone, especially 50yr old butt hurt ex wives when their 50yr old husband starts bangin a 22yr old.
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