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"Jeff Hunter" where are you?

  1. Space Nigga
    Originally posted by cupocheer I did run across a child porn forum on one of the sites as I was carousing today. I may have screenshot it.

    Hello, 'handsome', how's it hangin'?

    I don't know if there is truth.. but someone stated soemthing about Spez and Reddit being linked to Pizzagate before they said Pizzagate was a hoax, and now people are back to suggesting Pizzagate is not a hoax.. just who may be a member of it.

    Podesta brothers are clearly suspect. especially with their wonderful art. JJ from 4gifs had a photo of the Mutated Pig that I later saw on podesta's youtube video.

    the mutated human-pig hybrid might be an artist who does 3D sculpting of clay out of England.


    Florida... Lostcause stated she didn't post during the summer of 2001.. yet there is clearly her posting all of the summer of 2001 she claims to work for Spez.

  2. cupocheer Space Nigga [unwillingly condescend the dp]
    There was/is no pizzagate.

    Please stay on topic.
  3. Space Nigga
    Originally posted by cupocheer There was/is no pizzagate.

    Please stay on topic.

    It relates

    Spez deleted The Donalds info/account when he became President and ran a Ask me Anything whatever thread

    and Spez denied it saying it couldn't be done.. then blamed (of all things.. which caught my attention real quick) blamed "perhaps robot.txt"

    that's the text I got when I was kicked off totse it just said robot.txt at the top of the page

    Spectral stated that Robot Text could not retro delete threads.. it "doesn't work that way" (I believe-Spectral told me this)

    anywho.. Spez was also said to have been apart of the pizzagate pedo porn scandal.

    but the world moved on real fast.. Fake News Media won't cover it.
  4. cupocheer Space Nigga [unwillingly condescend the dp]
    Originally posted by It relates

    Spez deleted The Donalds info/account when he became President and ran a Ask me Anything whatever thread

    and Spez denied it saying it couldn't be done.. then blamed (of all things.. which caught my attention real quick) blamed "perhaps robot.txt"

    that's the text I got when I was kicked off totse it just said robot.txt at the top of the page

    Spectral stated that Robot Text could not retro delete threads.. it "doesn't work that way" (I believe-Spectral told me this)

    anywho.. Spez was also said to have been apart of the pizzagate pedo porn scandal.

    but the world moved on real fast.. Fake News Media won't cover it.

    Speaking of fake news ---

    Have you, actually, tried utilizing the "archives" instead of just reading the opinions of others on some website that pops up under a search query?

    Yes, apparently ALL posts can be scrubbed IF a site' s plug is pulled by the site itself.

    There are ways (as I understand it) that federal investigators can retrieve those files, however.

    I once heard an internet user say that before the Fed's got his "shit" he would take a sledge hammer to it and bust it into tiny pieces and drive to many states disposing of all the little pieces and then go into the woods and live off the land.

    Sounds mighty drastic, doesn't it?

    But then he must have been a horrible human being or believed that Big Brother was watching.
  5. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by cupocheer …I once heard an internet user say that before the Fed's got his "shit" he would take a sledge hammer to it and bust it into tiny pieces and drive to many states disposing of all the little pieces and then go into the woods and live off the land.

    Sounds mighty drastic, doesn't it?…

    That was the real Grizzly Adams, who was a Totse user.
  6. Space Nigga
    Originally posted by cupocheer Speaking of fake news —

    Have you, actually, tried utilizing the "archives" instead of just reading the opinions of others on some website that pops up under a search query?

    Yes, apparently ALL posts can be scrubbed IF a site' s plug is pulled by the site itself.

    There are ways (as I understand it) that federal investigators can retrieve those files, however.

    I once heard an internet user say that before the Fed's got his "shit" he would take a sledge hammer to it and bust it into tiny pieces and drive to many states disposing of all the little pieces and then go into the woods and live off the land.

    Sounds mighty drastic, doesn't it?

    But then he must have been a horrible human being or believed that Big Brother was watching.

    You're stirring the pot of what is

    clearly waybackmachine isn't totse or any other original domain.. it is a spider crawl that saved in html format (emulator of html) copies rather than take snapshots

    so not only did the original get srubbed as you're describing (literal or in the proverbial or figurative sense) but now the spidey site of waybackmachine is also getting scrubbed. and this isn't the first time.

    this is why I was bringing up robot.txt a way to go into retro mode (like a backdoor) and remove it rather than someone at doing so. I didn't just want to blatantly accuse the people at I gave them the benefit of the doubt.. especially since it was brought up during the Donald Trump issue from the past regarding reddit.
  7. Space Nigga
    See if these were snapshots (like a jpg) rather than a snapshot of the html code. and it went missing, then it would almost certainly be blamed on in-house or a hacker removing it (which archive could probably then just run their backup back to date). but if it's a snapshot of the code, and most likely they have to use an emulator because html is probably copyright protected (or is it fully public domain?>) then the robot.txt was placed in the html to go in and remove it at anytime by the person who originally created the html page. like or
  8. cupocheer Space Nigga [unwillingly condescend the dp]
    You have the audacity to accuse me of stirring the pot? LMRAO

    I asked a question which is the title of this thread. I didn't twist anyone's arm to post here. Any, and all, posts here are completely voluntary.

    "then the robot.txt was placed in the html to go in and remove it at anytime by the person who originally created the html page. like or"

    So, am I reading you correctly here? Are you saying that 'one of the three' people who joined ranks and started NIRVANnet which evolved into &TOTSE by "Jeff Hunter" (one of the original three) also developed a scrubbing robot to erase the data in &TOTSE files on a random basis & schedule?

    Also, are you implying that "Jeff Hunter" is a real person and that he is scrubbing the &TOTSE site?
  9. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by cupocheer
    So, am I reading you correctly here? Are you saying that 'one of the three' people who joined ranks and started NIRVANnet which evolved into &TOTSE by "Jeff Hunter" (one of the original three) also developed a scrubbing robot to erase the data in &TOTSE files on a random basis & schedule?

    Also, are you implying that "Jeff Hunter" is a real person and that he is scrubbing the &TOTSE site?

    That is exactly what he is saying. Nefarious, isn't it?
  10. Lanny Bird of Courage
    If you guys are going to try and concoct tech conspiracy theories you should at least spend like the 30 minutes it takes to understand how works.

    "Research" my ass, you two go fumbling around on the internet and every time you trip out of incompetence you're convinced it was a government plot against you.

    Eat a dick dumbshits.
  11. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by Lanny If you guys are going to try and concoct tech conspiracy theories you should at least spend like the 30 minutes it takes to understand how works.

    "Research" my ass, you two go fumbling around on the internet and every time you trip out of incompetence you're convinced it was a government plot against you.

    Eat a dick dumbshits.

    Educate us, oh wise one. How did the WayBack Machine "lose" all the Totse threads just days before 9/11, and then they continue as normal just days after, and ALL the other threads are backed up perfectly fine?
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  12. Space Nigga
    Originally posted by cupocheer You have the audacity to accuse me of stirring the pot? LMRAO

    I asked a question which is the title of this thread. I didn't twist anyone's arm to post here. Any, and all, posts here are completely voluntary.

    "then the robot.txt was placed in the html to go in and remove it at anytime by the person who originally created the html page. like or"

    So, am I reading you correctly here? Are you saying that 'one of the three' people who joined ranks and started NIRVANnet which evolved into &TOTSE by "Jeff Hunter" (one of the original three) also developed a scrubbing robot to erase the data in &TOTSE files on a random basis & schedule?

    Also, are you implying that "Jeff Hunter" is a real person and that he is scrubbing the &TOTSE site?

    Implying or Questioning?

    You just got sassy and about face. You came in after the first post and looked to have stirred it around.. to word it so it works both ways or just confuse the shit out of everything.

    I'm now done with you. I thought you were helping out. clearly I now question your reasons.
  13. Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Lanny If you guys are going to try and concoct tech conspiracy theories you should at least spend like the 30 minutes it takes to understand how works.

    "Research" my ass, you two go fumbling around on the internet and every time you trip out of incompetence you're convinced it was a government plot against you.

    Eat a dick dumbshits.

    for all I fucking know, Alt of yours.

    complimenting you complimenting yourself.

    I know of some certainties and others were just in a series of questions.. suddenly an avolanche of "So you're implying x" like some kind of slam dunk strategy. Fuck off!
  14. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Educate us, oh wise one. How did the WayBack Machine "lose" all the Totse threads just days before 9/11, and then they continue as normal just days after, and ALL the other threads are backed up perfectly fine?

    Can you post an example of this? The snapshots before like 2005 are so far apart the closest one to 9/11 doesn't seem to have any content from 2001, not just 9/11 of that year.
  15. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by for all I fucking know, Alt of yours.

    complimenting you complimenting yourself.

    I know of some certainties and others were just in a series of questions.. suddenly an avolanche of "So you're implying x" like some kind of slam dunk strategy. Fuck off!

    I'm not complementing anyone. I'm saying you obviously have no idea how or web crawling work. Go educate yourself on that before you waste our time with incoherent nonsense about "robots text"
  16. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by Lanny Can you post an example of this? The snapshots before like 2005 are so far apart the closest one to 9/11 doesn't seem to have any content from 2001, not just 9/11 of that year.


    Go here:

    You will see the last post was posted on 08-14-2001

    Now go here:

    You will see the posts begin on 09-30-2001.

    There are no posts archived in between. Archives for ALL other dates and years are there.
  17. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Sure..

    Go here:

    You will see the last post was posted on 08-14-2001

    Now go here:

    You will see the posts begin on 09-30-2001.

    There are no posts archived in between. Archives for ALL other dates and years are there.

    Doesn't look like it to me, consider this snapshot from feb 2002:

    I don't see content going back as far as 2001. It looks like each snapshot captures a fairly limited amount of history, content you see in one snapshot may not be captured in the following snapshot if they're far apart. Even look at your earlier one, it only goes back a little while and you don't see content from 2010 there.
  18. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by Lanny Doesn't look like it to me, consider this snapshot from feb 2002:

    I don't see content going back as far as 2001. It looks like each snapshot captures a fairly limited amount of history, content you see in one snapshot may not be captured in the following snapshot if they're far apart. Even look at your earlier one, it only goes back a little while and you don't see content from 2010 there.

    Well, now you're just being deceptive, because anyone can plainly see posts were archived from just before Sept 2001, and resume just after Sept 2001.
  19. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Well, now you're just being deceptive, because anyone can plainly see posts were archived from just before Sept 2001, and resume just after Sept 2001.

    Sure, you can see posts made both before and after some window of time covering 2001-09-11, but it seems to me this is true of a fair number of dates with no special significance. For example I'm not able to find any posts made in the week of August 19, 2002. Can you? If there are gaps in dates that wayback covers, as I'm saying seems to be the case, then it's not particularly suspicious that 9/11 is such a date, it's just one of many days and any particular event falling on one such date was is more or less random. If my nephew was born on the august date mentioned above, would that mean he was complicit in a massive coverup operation to """scrub"""
  20. Enterita African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Lanny Sure, you can see posts made both before and after some window of time covering 2001-09-11, but it seems to me this is true of a fair number of dates with no special significance. For example I'm not able to find any posts made in the week of August 19, 2002. Can you? If there are gaps in dates that wayback covers, as I'm saying seems to be the case, then it's not particularly suspicious that 9/11 is such a date, it's just one of many days and any particular event falling on one such date was is more or less random. If my nephew was born on the august date mentioned above, would that mean he was complicit in a massive coverup operation to """scrub"""

    lol, wouldn't it be funny if...

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