2018-08-15 at 5:21 PM UTC
Black Hole
[my hereto riemannian peach]
This is not necessarily niggerish, can just be the colloquial dialect or affected mannerisms. I.e. hipsters sighing a lot of saying "the avalanches are literally the biggest band in the world" or summink.
I use the word "just" to emphasize a situation, implying it is encapsulated in and of itself and me and my friends will laugh because nothing is ever in and of itself. I also use the word "right" similarly, because I'm an inarticulate nigger. In this case "right" means more the totality of something and takin to the nth example.
Example: "Just got right hammered before going to see my P.O."
"Just a right trecherous whore"
To use two examples I think illustrate my point. As I've grown older my ability to pronounce the double yew in "down" has diminished to the point where I pronounce it "dun" even when I'm consciously trying not to say it that way.
Things like this are relatively unconscious based on regional upbringing and apart from being part of your character they make elitest cocksuckers think you're just right bumpkinny.
I'll add more later even if this gets 0 replies and I completely forget about it. I'm also going to hypothesize about other people's mannerisms. For instance mmq constantly says "I liek turtles boyhowdyyoubetcha" and enter always has his mouth half open and avoids eye contact
Shut up
2018-08-15 at 5:23 PM UTC
Niggas be broke deez days.
2018-08-15 at 6:16 PM UTC
tee hee hee
Naturally Camouflaged
[slangily complete this slumberer]
Well this isn't really on topic but at walmart (where else?) a few weeks ago this guy in line in front of me said "Ooh. I'mmmm. Sooooooo sorrrrry" at least 4 times in 1-2mins. I was so turned off by it that I almost walked out.
Ohh. I'mmmm. Soooooo sorrrrry.
2018-08-15 at 6:20 PM UTC
tee hee hee
Naturally Camouflaged
[slangily complete this slumberer]
So y boyish.
He was a chubby boy with a beard and thick rim glasses. The quentissential nauseatingly nice guy.
2018-08-15 at 6:50 PM UTC
My mom receives food stamps
2018-08-15 at 8:31 PM UTC
Does she sell them at walmart?
I can hardly go there anymore without some poor person trying to sell me $100 worth of their foodstamps for $50. That's a lot of cheese.
2018-08-15 at 8:45 PM UTC
Black Hole
[my hereto riemannian peach]
This thread is now "What poor people say"
2018-08-16 at 8:37 PM UTC
We have a flat, neutral tone here, the kind news reporters try to use.
For some reason some people, myself included, have a bit of a South Dakotan drawl as well though.
It's like the "aa" and "eeh" sounds are pronounced the way Canadiens pronounce them but much more subtle.
Some people warsh their hands and all of us go OOFdah!