Originally posted by Technologist
No it’s not a good place CP, although I bet it’s cozy and warm.
My old boyfriend started his car one day and heard a lot of crying/screaching. He shut off the engine to look. It had killed 3 of his cat’s new kittens😢
Same thing happened to me, only 3 kittens, though. Car went crazy a screamed and went dead. The kittens (unknown as of right then) were screaming and carrying on something awful.
It was the neighbor's Siamese cat's kittens.
Opened the hood and saw the blue eyes peering up at me like HELP!
Went next door and got the man of that house. He came and saw the kittens all twisted in all the belts and timing chain. They were lodged in. He went and got pliers and pulled them out, killing them in the process (good thing, they were stripped naked and minced from the neck down.)
My car belts, timing chain were destroyed and stretched beyond recognition.
Had to have my entire car re-wired and the wiring pouch moved to the opposite side of the engine.
Thank goodness my neighbor man owned a new car lot. He towed my car. Hired a mechanic to fix my car. And gave me a new car loaner for free for almost three months.