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Thousands of animals cross the border every day

  1. #1
    Lit Papi Houston

    We should start a fake Mexican PETA conservation group that seems like it's a bunch of moral self licensing but really we just go out and microchip random animals and strap drug packages to them and then track them when they cross just shoot it and grab your drugs.

    Think about it, they don't search animals at the border, they cross undetected and even if they get picked up by motion sensors they will just watch it illegally cross.

    Even if they catch on to the plot and start catching the DRUG MULES it will be impossible to stop them all.

    If you did this on a big enough scale I think you could put all the cartels out of business.

  2. #2
    I've thought about using aminals to smuggle things in a different fashion.

    What if you bought hogs and a trailer and fed massive amounts of drug packs to each hog. You would have no trouble at the border, as your vehicles are clean and they can't inspect the innards of your aminals. Feeder hogs are pretty cheap and thems can eat a log of drogs.

    Unfortunately you probably won't be able to reuse the hogs, unless a laxative breakfast works better than I think it will. But this should easily be offset by your profits.
  3. #3
    RisiR † 29 Autism
    Why can't we take a Cocaine submarine in as refugee, huh? Fucking hell...
  4. #4
    Ensign Galm African Astronaut [specifically erupt this tetrachloromethane]
    Genetically engineer some salmon to swim up the Mississippi and collect the packages later. Pigeons also work really well but its easy to track them back to your distribution center.
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