She was my heart and unlike anyone else. It sucks though because sometimes I will wake up at like 5am and she will be on my mind. When she left me she was crying and I said "don't go i love you babe" and she said "don't call me babe, this isn't love" and that was it. After that I started seeing this chicken kelly who I'd seen before which was kind of weird considering I'd hang out with her brothers that everyone once in a blue moon bring up that i banged their sister. I went over and she was literally passed out laying on top of a pile of pabst blue ribbon cans, empty bags of cheetos and heroin needles (wow that just rhymed) wearing nothing but a thong and dancer socks, I decided to strap on a tight one because I can't be an electric being with this one.
A couple weeks ago I was walking down the street and I saw laser sight on my heart, the cops were going to take me out because why not when I already have a broken heart? I saw kelly and thought it was someone setting me up from afar as it was dark and when i came closer and realized it was her i said "haha hey its just you, chicken" and she gave me a dirty look and kept walking.
But I'm digressing, I miss erica murica because she was actually a more solid girl than most and an innocence coupled with her big ass and tits. The reason for the most part why she left me was because I told her I don't like her mom and ryan reynolds. In a 711 one morning I saw that stupid cardboard cut out of ryan reynolds and I wanted to punch him so bad in his stupid head face.