User Controls

One time I took the MMPI-2 and my Antisocial Behavior scale had a T-score of 95

  1. #1
    My 2cool4school IQ is literally 167.5
  2. #2
    Never go full sperg,
  3. #3
    Mr. Happy I have like a dozen fake facebooks do you want me to give you one so I can include you in groupchat with roshambo and you can be the third trianglist?
  4. #4
    My fb name is Frank Wut
  5. #5
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    You like taking tests right, take this one and post results.

    Be serious pl0x.
  6. #6
  7. #7
    i thought that was a new rc at first
  8. #8
    No my name is Ed wut and my picture is meth
  9. #9
    Like my page I'm the admin its called LEGALIZE CRYSTAL METH
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