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  1. #1
    Glokula's Homabla African Astronaut
  2. #2
  3. #3
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    i like that song but i don't understand what that song has to do with vicks lol
  4. #4
    S6x African Astronaut
    toiletduk band

    Glokula bla cant work out cuz im fat, blah blah
  5. #5
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by S6x toiletduk band

    Glokula bla cant work out cuz im fat, blah blah

    kurt cobaine would spit in your eye for your lack of knowledge of punk rock
  6. #6
    WellHung Black Hole (banned)
    Levoamphetamine affects the peripheral nervous system.
  7. #7
    S6x African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby kurt cobaine would spit in your eye for your lack of knowledge of punk rock

    I don't have a lack of knowledge in punk. Kurt is far from Punk. I wouldn't even classify him as post punk.

    In all honesty, though their early work was punkish, even GreenDay wouldn't be classified as punk as they try to be.

    First off, Punk rock is Garage Punk or simply The garage sound. a term coined back in the late 1950s. east coast USA.

    Some claim Iggy Pop as the first Proto Punk musician. as was Arthur Lee from the LA/San Francisco band LOVE (which sang 7 and 7 is which is considered to predate iggy pop by several years as the first Proto Punk song)

    But Mod is a form of Garage Punk.. and Mod came out of England in the early 1960s which faught with Rockers (of Garage Punk) which predated them (again going back to the USA in late 1950s)

    "Punk" was first given credit to Ramones. Because the Ramones were trying to bring back the leather jacket Garage Punk sound from the late 1950s. It was coined as "Punk" from a magazine article (which NY Dolls stated it was them that the writer got confused with)

    So Ramones were the first "Punk" band officially. they went to england and Punk rock as we know it became bands like Buzzcock and Sex Pistols and the Clash.

    I studied all of this shit in first year of music theory. but also as more of a post punk fan than punk itself. since I was too young for real punk of the early mid 70s. I was more into bands like Rush and Yes and Styx and shit like that
  8. #8
    S6x African Astronaut
    may not sound like traditional punk but it is proto Garage punk.

  9. #9
    Manonfire African Astronaut
    Hey Hombala

    Member when you for naked in that tinyroom?
  10. #10
    S6x African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Manonfire Hey Hombala

    Member when you for naked in that tinyroom?

    that be ACP

    someone had a little to much drank
  11. #11
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by S6x I don't have a lack of knowledge in punk. Kurt is far from Punk. I wouldn't even classify him as post punk.

    In all honesty, though their early work was punkish, even GreenDay wouldn't be classified as punk as they try to be.

    First off, Punk rock is Garage Punk or simply The garage sound. a term coined back in the late 1950s. east coast USA.

    Some claim Iggy Pop as the first Proto Punk musician. as was Arthur Lee from the LA/San Francisco band LOVE (which sang 7 and 7 is which is considered to predate iggy pop by several years as the first Proto Punk song)

    But Mod is a form of Garage Punk.. and Mod came out of England in the early 1960s which faught with Rockers (of Garage Punk) which predated them (again going back to the USA in late 1950s)

    "Punk" was first given credit to Ramones. Because the Ramones were trying to bring back the leather jacket Garage Punk sound from the late 1950s. It was coined as "Punk" from a magazine article (which NY Dolls stated it was them that the writer got confused with)

    So Ramones were the first "Punk" band officially. they went to england and Punk rock as we know it became bands like Buzzcock and Sex Pistols and the Clash.

    I studied all of this shit in first year of music theory. but also as more of a post punk fan than punk itself. since I was too young for real punk of the early mid 70s. I was more into bands like Rush and Yes and Styx and shit like that

    Hehehe peedee took the bait
  12. #12
    S6x African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby Hehehe peedee took the bait

    mm k
  13. #13
    Hellobadkitty Houston [fasten my mousey hotspur]
  14. #14
    S6x African Astronaut
    GBH is more of thrasher sound than punk.

    kind of like DC's Bad Brains.
  15. #15
    Hellobadkitty Houston [fasten my mousey hotspur]
    I love Bad Brains I saw him play when he was in the band HR in the early

    90s it was amazing.
  16. #16
    S6x African Astronaut
    Bad Brains - Pay to Cum

    Scorsese's black comedy from 1984. Great film. one of my faves

    Homage to "The Trial"

    Mohawk this guy

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  17. #17
    Grimace motherfucker [my enumerable hindi guideword]
    I joined this thread thinking it had something to do with drugs and was disappointed, but then glad when I saw an Anal Cunt song.

  18. #18
    S6x African Astronaut
    Both actors in After Hours (scorsese) from Home Alone (The Parents) Cathy o'Hara and John Heard are in this film.. what is weird is in Home Alone the kid is doing "The Scream" face in the poster while there is a sculpture in After Hours where Griffith Dunn says to the character KiKi that her sculpture looks like The Scream (but missnames the comment at first as The Screech)

    so many bizzare layers in this film -- Hollywood has agenda in Black Magic Occult and the real world of things. Syncronicity and Happenstance everywhere.
  19. #19
    S6x African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Grimace I joined this thread thinking it had something to do with drugs and was disappointed, but then glad when I saw an Anal Cunt song.

    When Metaphysics (Dr Robb) contacted you in prison was it by mail or in person? did the bulls go through your mail to see if it's full of codies?

    And did Toilet Duk send you mail as well? What about JC Stanton.. or was Meta the same as JC? I think I recall that JC was an alt of Meta's
  20. #20
    Hellobadkitty Houston [fasten my mousey hotspur]

    My fav 😍
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