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I might not have marfans

  1. #1
    Dissociator African Astronaut
    Either Loeys–Dietz syndrome, or late onset Tay-Sachs disease.

    Symptoms of late onset Tay-Sachs: Symptoms of late-onset Tay–Sachs – which typically begin to be seen in adolescence or early adulthood – include speech and swallowing difficulties, unsteadiness of gait, spasticity, cognitive decline, and psychiatric illness, particularly a schizophrenia-like psychosis.[6] People with late-onset Tay–Sachs may become full-time wheelchair users in adulthood.

  2. #2
    Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Why? Are you just speculating or is there another reason?
  3. #3
    Dissociator African Astronaut
    My symptoms better match Loeys dietz than marfans
  4. #4
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    We may not always see eye to eye, but i really hope you don't end up in a wheelchair. Did you talk to your doctor about this?
  5. #5
    Dissociator African Astronaut
    No because I haven't had a GP in like 7 years because something or other happened with him and some kid and he's not a doctor anymore
  6. #6
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Don't rule out the possibility that have you all three of these...conditions.
  7. #7
    Dissociator African Astronaut
    I'd be dead
    or is this death
    considering most of my life is
    this is what its like to be dead
  8. #8
    I bet your mother has Munchhausen syndrome and just puts drugs into you for fun.
  9. #9
    Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    I'd be dead
    or is this death
    considering most of my life is
    this is what its like to be dead

    I'd describe my life as being similar to what I imagine limbo would be like. A state of living death.
  10. #10
    Dissociator African Astronaut
    I bet your mother has Munchhausen syndrome and just puts drugs into you for fun.

    I'm the one that insisted I'd go to a psychiatrist to try to manipulate him into giving me Xanax and Adderall

    I ended up with drug induced e I cldidieofkb d wudi dew isopropyl Orono crib leg bag
  11. #11
    I'm the one that insisted I'd go to a psychiatrist to try to manipulate him into giving me Xanax and Adderall

    I ended up with drug induced e I cldidieofkb d wudi dew isopropyl Orono crib leg bag
    She made you believe that. The dude wasn't even a doctor and he injected all kinds of shit, including his penis in your rectum, into you so you stay sick. She's an evil whore playing twisted games. You better confront her about it after smoking some fat hits of Spice.
  12. #12
    Dissociator African Astronaut
    She made you believe that. The dude wasn't even a doctor and he injected all kinds of shit, including his penis in your rectum, into you so you stay sick. She's an evil whore playing twisted games. You better confront her about it after smoking some fat hits of Spice.
    I admit, your posting style has yet to not make my frontal lobe double take

  13. #13
    All jokes aside, you seem like a fairly normal, rational and nice dude UNTIL you take the drugs and spazz out. Do you think that's contributing to your life in a positive way?
  14. #14
    Dissociator African Astronaut
    All jokes aside, you seem like a fairly normal, rational and nice dude UNTIL you take the drugs and spazz out. Do you think that's contributing to your life in a positive way?

    The drugs? Fuck no. I mean, I've been getting better in terms of what drugs I do. I nixed bundy a long time ago, haven't smoked any spice since I got actual weed hookups, and have been taking T-PAIN daily as an antidepressant and overall mood lifter (as apposed to some bullshit like prozac) but I still have self control issues aka almost everything I take I do in excess.
  15. #15
    I stopped Syncans as well for now. Good choice. To be honest, I haven't been here in ages so I see the difference in your posting style very clearly. Vastly improved over the shitcan induced shape nonsense. Kudos. Keep it up.
  16. #16
    Syncans be fucking insane tho fam
  17. #17
  18. #18
    Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    ^ Submit it to r/creepy with a creative title and story.

    In fact, the same should be done with some of The Duke's pics.
  19. #19
    I stopped Syncans as well for now. Good choice. To be honest, I haven't been here in ages so I see the difference in your posting style very clearly. Vastly improved over the shitcan induced shape nonsense. Kudos. Keep it up.

    How about me?
  20. #20
    How about me?
    Didn't read.
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