2018-07-27 at 3:29 PM UTC
African Astronaut
[my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
In any world we can imagine there are more or less infinite amounts of things that need doing, the problem is that no one wants to pay for it.
The rich suggest importing third worlders as very low paid workers. I remember some jedis were suggesting that visas be offered paying basically nothing for domestic workers. So basically slaves.
Theory and evidence shows that more workers = lower wages = lower standard of living for most people. But no one will admit that. It's probably more realistic that with robots taking over jobs most people's standard of living will decline, while those who are currently rich will get richer, with very few exceptions.
2018-07-27 at 3:37 PM UTC
It will eventually bring about the much discussed "universal income"....the OG Nigs will love that.
2018-07-27 at 4:19 PM UTC
African Astronaut
[dispute my snotty-nosed seagull]
Would you fuck a robo prostitute?
2018-07-27 at 4:25 PM UTC
No, I might catch a worm virus.
2018-07-27 at 4:26 PM UTC
..but not a transformer...homos in disguise.