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Miss Sophie finds dhers to be quite dopey...

  1. #41
    joerell African Astronaut [twine our circinate supersymmetry]
    Originally posted by jedi_darryl You guys, are blowing this way out of proportion. It was just a stupid board game. It shouldn't be any discrimination whether Sophie is a tranny or not. I only challenged her, I mean him, to prove my self worth. Not because I wanted to bang her-him..whatever it is. This is absurd.

    Not this challenged HIM he's not a her. Does Jig have to explain all this over again...geez. You challenged a tranny to prove your self worth...are you sure you're not a tranny. Lol. You seem really confused...did you ejaculate when you won.
  2. #42
    jedi_darryl African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson You were a pawn to the Queen.

    The pawn? The only rare piece that could instantly change the entire game? You're right? I am very rare indeed. That's why the queen named me the pawn instead of her knight and shielding armor, smart guy.
  3. #43
    Except the pawn isn't's the most common piece on the board....lololol...sure you wasn't playing checkers?
  4. #44
    joerell African Astronaut [twine our circinate supersymmetry]
    Originally posted by jedi_darryl 😨What's wrong with these fat fucked faggots pretending to be women? Hey Sophie man, You suck!

    Seems like you're asking Sophie if he sucks...again not a platonic chess game. Why verbally abuse the tranny...just admit you loved it. Don't get all mad and again and get some real action going.
  5. #45
    joerell African Astronaut [twine our circinate supersymmetry]
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Except the pawn isn't rare…it's the most common piece on the board….lololol…sure you wasn't playing checkers?

  6. #46
    jedi_darryl African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson You were a pawn to the Queen.

    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Except the pawn isn't rare…it's the most common piece on the board….lololol…sure you wasn't playing checkers?

    You may not think it is, but the queen believes it's the bravest out of all pieces.
  7. #47
    jedi_darryl African Astronaut
    Originally posted by joerell Seems like you're asking Sophie if he sucks…again not a platonic chess game. Why verbally abuse the tranny…just admit you loved it. Don't get all mad and shit…play again and get some real action going.

    You guys are having so much fun with this, aren't you? I bet I could beat the both of y'all faggots in chess with my eyes closed. Puny guys, heh.
  8. #48
    Originally posted by jedi_darryl You may not think it is, but the queen believes it's the bravest out of all pieces.

    Well it's clear Dazza you have an affinity for the Queen in question...and *she* for you.

    Insert kissy face here.
  9. #49
    joerell African Astronaut [twine our circinate supersymmetry]
    We still haven't determined what you were actually playing...all we really know is you had an encounter with Sophie the tranny and seem quite happy winning.
  10. #50
    Archer513 African Astronaut
    First fat bitches

    Now tranny’s....

    Darryl gettin all kinda action.
  11. #51
    jedi_darryl African Astronaut
    Lmao, I'm not surprised that I attract attention when it's not certainly needed.
  12. #52
    jedi_darryl African Astronaut
    Originally posted by joerell We still haven't determined what you were actually playing…all we really know is you had an encounter with Sophie the tranny and seem quite happy winning.

    What if I told you that we didn't play at all? Would your insults disperse?
  13. #53
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by joerell Maybe odd to you…not my crowd. I guess we're just different…my high comes from racing bikes living or similar activities and your highs come from pumping nice colored heroine in your veins trying to OD to end your life. I'm actually not acting all high and mighty…it's your choice and I've never seen one addict that was happy or didn't have a dysfunctional lifestyle which also harmed others. I was also brought up differently…spent a lot of inhouse training in the the martial arts when I was young and in real life followed the philosophy. There is no boredom in not drinking or not following a crowd…you're the slave to your obsession and eventually one way or another you will see the truth.

    i've never injected heroin in my life, you really don't know wtf you're on about do ya?

  14. #54
    WellHung Black Hole (banned)
    Originally posted by NARCassist i've never injected heroin in my life, you really don't know wtf you're on about do ya?


    he thinks you're a junkie, Narc... what do you think of him?
  15. #55
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by jedi_darryl What if I told you that we didn't play at all? Would your insults disperse?

    what if i told you sophie wasn't a tranny at all, a pedophile yes, tranny no. as usual jokerell jumps to conclusions and gets it all wrong.

  16. #56
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by WellHung he thinks you're a junkie, Narc… what do you think of him?

    i pretty much just summed it up right there^

  17. #57
    Originally posted by NARCassist what if i told you sophie wasn't a tranny at all, a pedophile yes, tranny no. as usual jokerell jumps to conclusions and gets it all wrong.


    An e-tranny...someone who pretends to be a woman online.
  18. #58
    benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by joerell Maybe odd to you…not my crowd. I guess we're just different…my high comes from racing bikes

    i bet your the practitioner of the homosexual kind of bike racing,

    like racing only in designated bike racing area and in full tactical biking gear.

    REAL MEN race out on the streets, in their normal every day clothes.
  19. #59
    Originally posted by benny vader i bet your the practitioner of the homosexual kind of bike racing,

    like racing only in designated bike racing area and in full tactical biking gear.

    REAL MEN race out on the streets, in their normal every day clothes.

    Benny and his rice cooker races.
  20. #60
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    1. I'm not a tranny.
    2. Daryll never showed up for the chess game because he couldn't be bothered opening a website

    I'll explain my username to you and a couple of other things, since you're still new, and do not understand anything about our community, history and culture.

    For one my original username is psychomanthis, i was on Totse and on Zoklet. I held the position of global moderator on Zoklet but more importantly i moderated the drug forum. This is pertinent to what i said about DH users intelligence. Under my leadership the drug forum, thrived. Contrary to popular DH belief, a lot of drug users on Zoklet were quite intelligent. Therefore BLTC(Drug Forum) staff fostered a culture of harm reduction, and scientific understanding on a neuro-pharmacological level. A testament to the intelligence of our original userbase is that almost everyone in BLTC was open to learning these principles and were broadly speaking, at the very least at pharm-tech levels of knowledge. We regularly had discussions of a highly technical nature, that were informative, entertaining and often thought provoking.

    Now contrast this with the type of bullshit you people post. Of course i accept that this is not Zoklet and that this is the age of the shitpost. I am just disappointed that the new users(Not all of them but most) we got are a bunch of average intelligence, mainstream media watching, normies with no interests in any meaningful intellectual pursuits.

    What characterized the old community was that we all were to differing extents, a counter-culture of free thinkers with enough intellectual curiosity to go around. So much so that we had experts on the boards in virtually any topic. Chemistry, pharmacology, computer science, political science, philosophy and more.

    Now with regards to my current username. On the successor site RDFRN, my username was Sophisticated Sophist. My friends started to call me Soph for short or Sophey as a term of endearment. When NiS came around i decided to stick with the name but spelled it "Sophie", for one, Sophie is cute name, secondly i figured it would be entertaining to see new people get all butthurt once they get confused and can't seem to realize i am in actuality a man. Glad to see it succeeded.

    I currently have an age appropriate girlfriend but it's true i am a non-exclusive pedophile. This means i like girls from age 4 up to my age. Now, you can feel some type of way about this, but that's really not my problem.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
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