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I have been #REKT

  1. #1
    Everything is shit thanks to my life experience. No job interests me. College is a liberal safespace shitfest. Television and music are accelerating in degeneracy. Politics is shit on both sides that I have grown to hate the right as much as I hate the left. Current events and media I am convinced are just awful opinion pieces or obviously harbor an agenda. I cant even into religion because as much as I like christianity, buddhism, taoism and various other traditions I simply cant abide by one because I see the others as equally valid in most aspects.

    I dont know what to do niggas. I dont know where to go. I dont even know who to be. Fuck it, ill just post some pepe's.

    Also where the fuck is Soph? I havent seen that nigga in ages. Hope he didnt get v&. He was aight.

  2. #2

  3. #3
  4. #4
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Become a religious scholar.
  5. #5
    Duke Zion Tuskegee Airman
    Start doing copious amount of drugs and let the demons take over
  6. #6
    My existence perma-REKS you, you fucking peasant.
  7. #7
    Duke Zion Tuskegee Airman
    Eat pigeon shit and die.
  8. #8
    Start doing copious amount of drugs and let the demons take over

    But thats what ive been doing :(
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