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Is being forced to go to a special needs school

  1. #1
    Dissociator African Astronaut
    a good enough reason to want to die every day
    had to deal with that shit just because I slept in class for like a week at public school
  2. #2
    crazy mike Houston
    you have special needs.....for drugs
  3. #3

    i thought the reason was more the clinical dad-punching though

    you know the drill. get amphetamines from sped doctors, sleep your hangovers off in school.

    i thought your mom was gonna take you out of there thıs year though
  4. #4
    Dissociator African Astronaut
    Its probably because I overdosed twice in 8th grade and getting behind in school work from being in the psychward for so long got rid of all my motivation and then being held back 3 times just fucked it over even worse. I'm still a freshman for the 3rd time, its fucking unbearable. I think they keep holding me back because I slept all day, plus whenever I sleep the teacher keeps saying wakey wakey nap times over and its extremely degrading. My mom said that but now shes going back on it. Even if I go back to public school I'm still going to have to deal with being 2 years behind everyone my age and ending up graduating at age 20/21. theres nothing I can do about it now.

    maybe getting ECT is a good idea, then I can go there and atleast be happy.
  5. #5
    You're old enough to drop out and get your GED though. Then if you ever want to go to coolidge you can do it by 18 instead of 20 or 21
  6. #6
    Dissociator African Astronaut
    I have to be 17 with parental permission to drop out, atleast in NJ
  7. #7
    Dissociator African Astronaut
    and I think its 18 now because of some fucking obama law. I'm just going to drop out regardless of the law eventually, fuck that shit. If I stop going theres really nothing anyone can do about it., except for paying a fine and doing community service for violating truancy laws, I think after that shit they don't make you go back or whatev.
  8. #8
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Yeh yeh I mean whatevs man, whatevs, it's like no biggie yo, jus high schoo n shit that shitz don' mean nuttin anyway man just drop that shit out yo life man, whatevs.
  9. #9
    Dissociator African Astronaut
    might as well fuck a hole in the middle of the street
    yesterday isnt going to get anymore binary uknow
  10. #10
    Bradley Florida Man
    Rip roshambo
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