2018-07-03 at 4:10 AM UTC
Of sort..
I bought these cheap wireless headphones. now the thing turned out it didn't broadcast to the headphones but the headphones were wireless with just a tv-audio transmitter. so lame. came out of China.
So It did have a jack into the phones and into headphone in. it wasn't very loud but decent sounding. But one thing I noticed. These headphones are the most comfortable things ever. no pinch. I have had Beats (By Dre, Studios Original not Apples buyout) and Beats Earbuds and Boss blutooth cross over buds, a few cheap Logitechs (decent) some Sennheise. All of these things pinched the shit out of my ears.
I found a mount on blutooth transmitter to plug into the line in on the cheap headphones making them wireless again but they kik effen ass. Base and treble sounds perfect. crisp as fuck. no pinching. It's a Frankenstein Set of some no name chinese headphones that are light and commfy. and I would beta test new head gear at our electronic store. these beat those ones by a mile.
the more of this story is "Fuck yo meme, panini goes into a salad and not the other way around, GL Meme fgt"