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I am multigod ft. supergod

  1. #1
    morningstar Yung Blood
    Today I've realized that the hole I pierced in my eardrum as a kid led an insect to crawl through my ear canal into my brain and take over my mind. This is why I am so bad. Serotonin lets me understand the beast, antipsychotics let me drug the creature controlling me. I spent 15 minutes spraying water down my broken ear canal to try and drown it, and I kept on hearing electric shocks sizzle through my scalp and my neck. It has hinged it's dozens of legs onto my nerves. I don't think it even resembles a normal bug anymore. It is a selfish creature hijacking my memories and replacing them with actual screaming that I hear all the time.
  2. #2
    seems legit
  3. #3
  4. #4
    Stonesword Yung Blood
    To kill said creature pour molten lead down your ear. And once its cool you can pull it out with the creature incased
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