Originally posted by esbity
Like as a person. I
Originally posted by esbity
A victimless crime really, even the most mom and pop stores have theft insurance and if you take into account the profit margins of any retail business that charges on average 150%+ markup on items, even the high ticket items aren't that big of a loss. I once worked in a store that sold hydroponic grow supplies and some dudes managed to steal $1000 plus worth of shit and really we paid less than $500 and all it did was annoy my boss more than hurt his business in any way.
Also fuck the global corporatist scum forcing us to live off grocery stores to survive! they deserve to be stolen from to liberate society from the teet of capitalism.
Originally posted by esbity
Scam who? from a Wille zum Leben perspective you are simply trying to survive a chaotic world, if you didn't scam a person to better yourself you would simply fall behind the ones who did scam. Is it bad to want to thrive?, its simply the nature of existing.
Originally posted by esbity
am parasitic.
Parasites are a natural symbiosis of reality, without them there would be no checks and balances for stronger species and they would quickly have all the power and take over. We need parasites, viruses, disease, toxins and death so that weaker species have a chance at survival. Without parasites we would all die!
Originally posted by esbity
I drink and drive,
The state oversteps its boundries on freedom in the name of public safety, because vehicles kill more people than drugs and guns combined we have agreed as a society that the freedom to drive a vehicle can only be granted by the state, you must pay them money to be allowed to excersise your own god given rights, its bullshit!. I consider drinking and driving to be the ultimate protest against statist tyranny.
Originally posted by esbity
Even toxic waste and mercury will return to the earth some day, thats why I have no moral issues with dumping toxic explosives near where children play. In 1000 years that mercury will be cinnabar for future generations to mine and use. Litering is like recycling for people in the future, recycling is like taking resources from future people, its like theft.
Originally posted by esbity
Ever since Trump got elected there have been two dimensions colliding, a lie may be a lie in dimension A but it could be truth in dimension B so is it really a lie at all or just perceived as such?
Originally posted by esbity
Cheating is not really cheating, any system that can be cheated is a flawed system that deserves to be exploited, cheating is just what happens when these flaws are allowed to exist. A flawless system cannot be cheated, so it's really the fault of whoever made the system. They should be paying you for bug testing their broken system!.
Originally posted by esbity
Once again I refer to Schopenhauers "Wille zum Leben "
Originally posted by esbity
The real fraudsters are the central banks deciding that paper is money and you can't exchange it for gold, its all a big lie designed to vacuum up all the wealth from the masses and centralize it for the 1% to control while they laugh and dole out worthless paper for us to fight over.
Is it really fraud when the paper was worthless to begin with?. Try this argument in court let me know how it goes