Actually pretty straight
[bitch the twenty-second stewpan]
Never thought I’d be that chick, but I’ve got like 30 pair of shoes. Only 3 or 4 are heels but they’re 5” stilettos so they make up for it. The rest are leather boots, assorted skate shoes Nike’s & vans, crocks, couple pair of leather combat boots, dominatrix rain boots, muddy rain boots, elf boots, winter boots, few pair of dirty flip flops, a few flats, some dressy sandals, and idfk, some other shit. 3 pair of uggs, etc etc
my location is irrelevant. As for style im a big fan of formal wear usually older style suits that fit a little baggy it reminds me of the older fashion era where men were true gents.
Originally posted by Zanick
I live in the suburbs of Chicago. My shoes are navy and maroon, made from inexpensive nonleather, dressy in appearance and produced by a major brand.