I've been a hikikomori since 12, since public school was too fatiguing and depressing for me, the constant stimulation and indoctrination and having to get up so early.
When I would get a new navi it was like Christmas every time, my relationship with technology transcends this dimension, it is my reason to live and so to see it being used as a tool to control and kill instead of empowering humanity was one of the most depressing things I have had to come to deal with.
Forums have always been my favorite places to go to, they gave me a sense of community and the socializing I needed as a super depressed and isolated young person ... but I always knew something was off, with the way people were acting, later on I would come to realize that there are paid shills who would use those forums as a means of controlling the populous ... many of them I have personally interacted with without ever even realizing it.
2005 is when I came into contact with 4chan, a forum I would spend every day of my life on (save for the year of 2006) and would later have stolen from me by the normies ... but I digress ... along that time I was really into myspace as well.
I never suspected the reality of things to be so fucked, I never thought there were hooked nose beasts behind the curtains scheming and plotting to destroy the foundations of our civilization ... I once got into an argument with a kike on a Chinese American forum on myspace, or it was the Japan group idk but I thought it odd back then that a jedi of all people was so heavily visible in that group, it practically acted as if it owned the place and low and behold I was possibly interacting with the famed JIDF.
It scares me to think this whole time I have been e-stalked by (((government agents))) while I was simply minding my own business living my life on the internet.
I always viewed the internet as a safe space for thought and creativity, I never once considered that one day there would come a time when the internet would become a walled prison where speech is governed and thought policed ... I had become so accustomed to the "wild west' mentality that I took it for granted.
To me, as a 15 year old on myspace, only people who were genuinely interested in something joined a particular group, I never in a million years would have thought people would be on there gather information on users so they can learn how to manipulate people or that they would want to control our conversational exchanges.
It's disgusting and saddening to see the world today, I live in fear everyday because I know there are literally truly fucked and evil people who are trying to control the world ...
A decade and half ago if I would have read up about noahhide laws and the guillotines I would have laughed it off as nonsense, but now I just feel a sense of dread inside and cling to the tiny hope that there are still people alive to stop this.
All I want to do is return to the days of 2000 - 2006 and enjoy the net again .. I want my geeky culture untainted by the mainstream back, I want forums where the only people who are there are there because they desire to be, not because they have an ulterior motive.
2016 was the year I realized the internet I grew up with was gone, by 2017 I literally started feeling a sense of anxiety posting on places like 4chan ... how in the fuck did this happen?
I'm sure some of you other internet oldfags/vets know what I'm talking about ... it's as if one day you're in a town enjoying a party in the square with the whole community and the next everyone is silent and paralyzed with fear.
Is it too late for things to change?
I know I'm in my late 20s now, but that doesn't mean I can't download simfiles and pretend to be an anime person on a bbs ...
When people declare that something is a certain way and there is no going back it's because they're behind an agenda, such as this push for the surveillance state:
When Anonymous sprung up I thought it was just a cringy movement by some idiot newfags, I never suspected that the CIA was behind it ... was Moot a governmetn agent all along?
Was myspace a zionist trick or did Tom get death threats by the cabal?
Why is it that as soon as a decent website springs up if it gets a ton of users it's bought out then suddenly goes to shit?
The internet is now completely pozzed.
I'm pretty sure there are some types of agents after me, granted a few times I could chalk up the weird shit happening on my computer to the fact that I had installed a pirated program using a keygen but strange things have happened on my phones as well and no matter what device I use it always happens
I think I might be a "targeted individual" and for what? Posting too much on 4chan and saying nigger too many times?