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It would be near impossible to get a severe sunburn in Alaska...

  1. #1
    WellHung Black Hole
    The Sun simply does not get high enough in the sky.
  2. #2
    Ghost Black Hole
    It should smoke more weed.
  3. #3
    CandyRein Black Hole
    Open shut case
  4. #4
    joerell African Astronaut [twine our circinate supersymmetry]
    Not can reach the 80's and even 90's and get a sunburn. Maybe not severe...but what idiot even tries to get a severe one in Cali. Lol.
  5. #5
    Kinks Actually pretty straight [bitch the twenty-second stewpan]
    It’s actually easier to sunburn up there
  6. #6
    stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    I don't think sunburn is dependant on temperature
  7. #7
    BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by WellHung The Sun simply does not get high enough in the sky.

    you can get a good sunburn from snow
  8. #8
    BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by stare rape I don't think sunburn is dependant on temperature

    This is true.. you can get a sunburn skiing, but when the sun is more intense, it is often hotter and the Sun Index (UV) is higher which requires higher SPF

    so it does corellate
  9. #9
    WellHung Black Hole
    Ambient Air Temperature has no effect on sunburn whatsoever.
  10. #10
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    yeah the sunrays are magnified as they reflect off the snow. ever heard of snow blindness? this is caused by the same effect and why they use polarized goggles when skiing.

  11. #11
    WellHung Black Hole
    Originally posted by BeigeWarlock you can get a good sunburn from reflected sunlight off snow

    True statement.
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