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I'm almost back to my old self.

  1. #1
    I really lost my identity and place in the universe when I was in a relationship. That combined with a horrific GOD KNOWS WHAT trip (thought I was just taking ecstasy, should have tested) really fucked me up.

    But things are finally starting to return to normal. I haven't even needed to take valium in a while. :)
  2. #2
    Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    There was once a small village that had a lone water source. This well was the only way the people would gather drinking water. A man in the village was approached by a spirit that warned him that the well water would be tainted on a particular day, and if it is consumed it would cause you to go insane. The man tried his best to warn others in the village but his warnings fell on dead ears.

    The day of the prediction came and the man left to gather water from a far away spring and upon his return he noticed that the people of his village had lost their minds. The people started calling him crazy because he didn't do as they did. Days went by and the man finally decided to drink of the well and he quickly realized that the people weren't so crazy after all.
  3. #3
    Well = girlfriend/relationship?

    Romantic relationships are toxic as fuck. They literally make you crazy. ALL romantic relationships. It doesn't matter if you've found "the one". It doesn't matter if you created a literally perfect sex bot. If you enter a romantic relationship with that thing, you're going to do damage to your psyche.

    I knew this though. I fucking knew it. But everyone told me to get a girlfriend. Everyone had to push it.

    But I fucking knew I was right.


    (note that in the future I'll definitely go into a relationship again, but not attach myself emotionally)
  4. #4
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Sooo.. you're not a robot anymore? Awww!
  5. #5
    Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    The difference between science and religion is the difference between the quantified equations of mathematics and the unquantifiable equations of metaphor. Those who cannot focus their mental scope with sufficient precision to count must guesstimate relationships by comparing superficial attributes to derive meanings from their experiences. The errors of both science and religion are produced by logical deductions made from inherently faulty language, but the errors cannot be perceived by people who mistake their words for real things and their language for a real map. The nemesis of abstraction is that the symbol becomes the reality, and the individual differences in the real world are occulted behind the Veils of Maja. As the focus of the mind shifts from the immediately tangible world to verbal concepts, the mind becomes separated from the body and both lose their health. Paradise is a myth about a preverbal Consciousness, before men created words and subsequently mistook the symbol (idol) for reality (God); the Fall of Man and his Expulsion is the consequence of worshipping verbally fashioned images. Philosophers pretend to lead us back to reality on ways paved with more words of higher abstraction, like devils promising to lead us to Heaven. If the devil is the Father of Lies, words are surely the Mother. Philosophic disputes are word wars; those who live by their words also die by their words. Words are ultraspacial structures created by abstracting common features of significance while ignoring unique features. Words amplify similarities and eliminate differences by wave interference. Words are the product of fusing all the unique images of several structures into an ultraspacial gestalt. A gestalt exists as an extension of its material manifestations in the form of a trajectory through time and space; a mental concept extends through no fewer than four dimensions. The minds comprehends the dimensions of time; this is why intelligence is identified with the sense of time. Abstract verbal concepts are understood only as they can be comprehended within the temporal dimensions of one's mind; a mind is perceived to grow to the extent that it perceives precedents and consequences. Athena is merely the god of intellect; the ruler of consciousness is Kronus, the Overlord of Time and Change. Conscious mind is a creation of words. Experiments have found that people lacking the words to describe subtle colours are also unable to distinguish fine differences in hues, but as soon as they are given the words to define the differences between crimson, scarlet, and vermilion, for example, they no longer see all reds as red. Poets expand the common Consciousness by giving new meanings to old words and by coining new words.
  6. #6
    It's a double-edged sword and both sides are smeared with shit. On the handle is shit, too and it's not a very good sword to begin with.
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