Sorry but we aren't fags like Europe.
fuck anyone in Europe they should just glass that entire continent and nothing of value would be lost.
"Muh Hamburg!"
"Muh Vienna!"
"Muh monarchy!"
"Muh 67 languages!"
"Muh immigration!"
Shut the fuck up Europe you haven't been relevant in 200 years. Ever since your racist colonialism failed and you got REKT by freedom loving Americans your importance in the world has declined rapidly.
You aren't a superpower and you do nothing but consume fossil fuels, buy consumerist junk and rape the land for subpar food all while being snobby and acting like your the highest class most advanced place on earth.
You know why the Muslims are taking over? Cuz you're all a bunch of cucks.
The EU and anyone living in those countries do nothing but take up space and contribute nothing to the world. What natural resources do you have that can benefit humanity? You have nothing and Europe will soon collapse once China and America are sick of supporting you pansies. You will have another world war and kill eachother which is a fitting end to the most cucked continent in human history.
I say just drop a few nukes and level every country, build solar plants and fusion reactors in their place to power the countries that actually matter like USA, Russia and China.