Originally posted by Manonfire
Green man have u ever Had that gel lsd? Cleanest shit u can get
it's not necessarily the "cleanest" lsd you can get, anyone could put anything in a gel tab. that being said, gel tabs are usually dank as fuck, and yes i have had them.
Actually pretty straight
[bitch the twenty-second stewpan]
Place goes for two straight weekends and is always off the hook. Not my scene so I’ve never went personally, but lotsa close friends who are regulars and love it.
Originally posted by BeigeWarlock
Is it the part of Mi that goes up and out towards the state of Wi.. near Green Bay? or is it the lower part of Mi?
I have no fucking clue man. I should figure that shit out. I need to get camping gear to Michigan too, that's probably going to be kind of a pain, I almost never pack shit when I fly places beyond like normal sized backpack of clothes and benzos mainly.