ENTER - Enter is fucked.. beyond all hope of saving. I honestly believe the only positive thing he could ever contribute to the world would be to go on a murder spree and carve "TOTSE" into a woman's chest.
He could have solved all his problems years ago if he just listened to me and did meth and forgot the thots.
KINKOU - I don't like her because she goes months without posting and then bumps every thread for like 20 pages.
Also she turned down my advances last summer and any woman that turns me down is no good.
FONAPLATS - not a DH poster not A real NiS poster (only showed up a month before DH died) he is the one person that really doesn't belong here
He only joined the forum to cyberstalk kinkou
Haha fonaplats isn't even a DH he just showed up randomly asking for how to get in touch with kinkou and he stayed for some reason.
He is the worst poster by far and I consider him public enemy No.1 on the shitlist.
He got me banned by being a rat and abused to report button so much he got Lanny to move it and fuck up the interface.