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Psychotronics R us

  1. #1
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink

    My name is Dez, I'm 32 year olds and I'd like to tell my experience about how I found out that we are living in a psychotronic world where i was a target individual.

    When I was 21, I left Indiana from my parents, to go to Georgetown University In Washington DC. I ent up meeting a guy a few years
    older than me who was had already graduated from Rice university in Houston , TX with an engineering degree but found himself
    up in DC. He was from Bangladesh, he didn't have any friends, or family around, pretty much like myself, we became very close.
    His name was Shadeed and he was a very handsome guy, and we quickly fell in love with eachother.

    A couple years later we were married and living together, I was still in school and doing my intership as an accountant for
    a law firm. But unfortunately with as much as I loved him, he was a man child, I had always wanted someone to take care of me
    but I was taking care of him. He would find engineering projects, but they weren't that profitable, and he was quick to quit his
    job or get fired.

    But anyways, at this time of my life I started having what I later found out to be a "kundalini experience"
    I was not a drug user at this time, but I started seeing aura's around people, even objects.
    My father died this year right after we got married, He had a motorcycle accident, whats crazy about it was I felt an insane
    urge to call him for no apparent reason, it was uncannny. I wonder If I had followed this instinct if he'd still be alive.

    I started getting other urges, they were urges I honestly had the power to refuse, but there was something behind them that compelled me
    to follow through with them. I ent up taking a train across town, I didn't know why I was doing it but I did. As soon as I
    got off I saw my Husband talking to this blonde haired girl and they walked off together into the crowd. I couldn't believe
    that this was actually happening, I got back on the train and went back home. I brought it up with him later, and he told me
    that it was his drug dealer, we had a huge argument about it. Later he admitted he was buying heroin. I will never know if it was
    completely true or not.

    I ent up getting online on a dating site and I started talking to this guy. We met up for coffee one evening while my husband was at
    work. We hung out for a few times, but never had sex, but over this time he revealed some strange things about himself, about he
    worked for a cognitive science facility with ties to a company in west virginia where the US hired only Koreans who all
    wore black shirts, white pants and black shoes that built multiple computers that were linked together that strictly collected
    IP address. He told me the reason for this was so law enforcement could use the IP, to track where credit cards were being used such as
    the liquor store, the bar, wherever. To attempt to stop crime before it happened. Like say someone went to a bar, sure they may already be drunk
    and then say they have a pattern of going to go buy a bottle of wine at the eckards 2 hours later, the cops could use that to get said culprit.

    We sat in his car talking some more after getting drinks and he told me that he was a "pusher" and told me he would demonstrate
    , he told me that a car would pull up next to us in 15 seconds, and the driver would turn and look at us for 15 seconds, and then back up and parallel
    park. That's exactly what happened.

    This was just one of numerous ways he showed me that he was serious and that he knew that I knew about these capabilities.

    . I felt as though the reason why we had been hanging out was because he was aware of what I had been going
    through and he wanted something out of it. He told me he wasn't afraid of me and wants to know the extent of how well I use my other senses. I got out of his car and went home. I was very
    paranoid at this point.

    A couple days later I was off from school and didnt have to work. I got a knock at my door and there he was he just pushed his way
    through and closed the door and put the saftey chain lock on the door.

    I was like "what the fuck are you doing?!"

    He told me to sit on the couch and I did, I was very afraid. He ent up fingering me, It was awful but for some reason I let him
    do it. He pulls his fingers out of me and goes to wash his hands, right then the door burst open, my husband is there and he just
    kicked the door wide open, and storms into our apartment yelling and asking what the fuck is going on here, the other guy comes out
    and threatens him about deportation and that he better fuck off. He leaves.

    My husband and I agrue for about 20 minutes or so, I know he will never believe me what happened. But he goes back to work.
    Later he tells me that he had the insane urge to just show up and kick the door open because he felt like something was going on.

    We ent staying together for another year but ent up getting a divorce. And I never heard from that other guy again.
    But yeah thats my story. I've had other things happen to me since, but nothing like that.

    But I do believe everyone will be targeted in a similar manner, but maybe not to the same degree.
  2. #2
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    lol, Bill Krozby got fingerblasted by a Korean dude
  3. #3
    How can you stop crime before it happens?. That makes no sense. That's like shooting a random person on the street to "prevent something from happening". Spending money at a bar or liquor store in capitalist society is never allowed to be a crime.
  4. #4
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    well you can pull someone over after you know their at a bar.... they may be drunk... they may be not... you know they may go to a walgreens for wine.. you pull them over for not using a left turn signal... and you test them, more than likely they may be drunk after leaving the bar they leave every week at that time..

    I guess you can say that you'd be predicting crime and catching them in the act. Thats why I'm saying its kind of like a half assed minority report. you know with out the pre-cogs?
  5. #5
    Who wrote that' Bill Krozby? Did you quote it from somewhere?
  6. #6
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^ I wrote it while on the amps two days ago
  7. #7
    "ent" is not a word, bro.
  8. #8
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^it is here in texas, I knew someone was going to mention that though.
  9. #9
    Fuck Texas.
  10. #10
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    okay riser... did you have any other critiques to my story other than me using the word "ent" ?
  11. #11
    Written like a 3rd grader. Pure shit.
  12. #12
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Written like a 3rd grader. Pure shit.

    Well I guess that's what editors are for. lol
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