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Why are SJWs all in games, mtg, programming?
2016-09-20 at 12:30 PM UTCToday I happened upon a blog post about how SJWs have infiltrated wizards of the coast and have gotten someone banned from tournaments from life. I havent played Mtg since my HS days, but this is just a another SJW attack that I've become aware of.
So SJWs have infiltrated the tech scene (code of conducts, the recent libreboot WTF, the takedown of mozilla's Eich, etc.) and this area is near and dear to my heart. They've also attacked gaming, which while I don't dabble in much anymore, I still think of very fondly. Then they've attacked areas like universities, meetups, charities, political parties... I read that there aren't many SJWs and they rely on hivemind tactics to attack, but now it looks like there's a ton of them, infiltrating and attacking every little piece of earth.
I can understand that organizations like mozilla or some companies are under attack by SJWs but how come they're attacking programmers or gamers? Is it because those groups of people are socially awkward and easy prey? Is it because programmers have lots of money? But games are generally poor.. Why? Why? Why?
I've been reading up on Kegan's theory of the evolution of ethics where he divides ethical development into a series of stages. He says that stage 4 (out of 5) is required to function in modern society. Stage 4 is the stage where you understand the system of society, why you pay taxes, why you can't shit all over someone, why contracts are good, etc. basically why things like agreeing, keeping agreements, and law (as bad as it is) is important. Without these things, we'll revert back to small farming settlements - stage 3. Stage 3 is built upon relationships and emotions. You're own sense of self is built up from other people's emotions. So if you told someone you'd do something, but someone else comes along and tells you that they're going to be sad if you don't help them out RIGHT NOW, you're coerced into breaking your earlier agreement. Given enough of these situation, modern society breaks down - nothing can get done. This is 100% where SJWs live. SJWs are literally pulling civilization back into level 3. If this has been going on since the 90's, no wonder the world is becoming such a shithole.
Also, this isn't a left-right thing - SJWs could just as well be on the right as they (pretend to) be on the left. The left just didn't have defenses against this kind of memetic weapon so it feel to SJWs first.
So.. what the fuck? What do we do? Is anyone here involved in the struggle against SJWs? What can one do alone? -
2016-09-20 at 1:21 PM UTCBecause SJWs are betas/nerds.
2016-09-20 at 1:54 PM UTCI fucking hate SJW's fuck their triggers, fuck their perpetual state of victimhood, fuck their safe spaces. There is nothing i can think of that we could do, except for oppose it and expose it for what it is, preferably more often than not.
2016-09-20 at 2:35 PM UTCGirls like MTG and those games are billion $ industry you derpadew edgelord. ESS jay dubs are just new age leftists why do you care so much
2016-09-22 at 9:19 AM UTCLook, more stuff: github hires big SJW so that xe/xhe can take care of harassment issues ie. enforce political correctness: http://archive.is/ZW27l . That was earlier this year and since then github has been on a downward spiral. They changed their fonts to something godawful. Or just look how this guy was trying force a code of conduct on a project: https://archive.is/dgilk . I also love how their arguments are so fucking stupid. Stuff like "10000 projects have accepted the Code of Conduct so you should to". Yeah, and thousands of germans killed jedis, so I guess that makes it okay. Or "this just makes the project a safe space for all", no shit, it just makes the project a safe space for transgender pangalactic wolfkin whatever mumbo fucking jumbo people call themselves. We already have laws in place to protect us from libel, but there's a good fucking reason why we don't have laws (except fucking France) that protect us from being offended. It's against everything humanity has built for the past 300 years.
I fucking hate SJW's fuck their triggers, fuck their perpetual state of victimhood, fuck their safe spaces. There is nothing i can think of that we could do, except for oppose it and expose it for what it is, preferably more often than not.
Yeah man! Fuck them! Fuck them to hell! I think about this shit more and more every day. The "normal" system does not work since they just take you over to street court where their minions can throw rotten vegetables at you. Technically it would be possible to hit their nerve centers - wrest away their communication platforms somehow, but this would take a lot of time and they can just make another twitter account/blog etc. in minutes. We could fight them using their own weapons (what the manosphere or vox day are doing, it appears). I don't know, still thinking a lot about it.ESS jay dubs are just new age leftists why do you care so much
Because they are destroying things that are dear to me. They're attacking open source software, which I think is great and is my lifeblood. They're also destroying freedom, which means that as they grow, my potential place of living evaporates. For example - now that Github is SJW-territory, I can no longer even apply to them for a jerb. I can't get involved in OS projects that have a code of conduct for the fear that I'll become a target. I've already slipped away from one such attack because my language was "divisive". -
2016-09-22 at 10:58 AM UTCDude, they're going to shoot themselves in the foot at github eventually if they haven't already. I mean, i don't tend to collab a lot with commits and such but the projects that have a vibrant community tend to work well together without anyone forcing their stupid PC rules on anybody. The beauty of the internet is that no one is black, white, gay, transgender, lesbian or whatever, it's all just text and code. And when people are serious about a project that is all anyone cares about. By them pushing the issue to the forefront they are going to detract frm the general quality of people contributing because frankly, if all you care about is coding for project X or Y you don't want to be bothered by ridiculous rules of conduct you just want to contribute and that's it. This will eventually turn people away, and they will migrate to different venues, in fact there are a few deepweb coding communities along the lines of github as well that work really well together from what i have heard. Decentralisation is the future i would argue.
2016-09-22 at 2:53 PM UTCIt's because indies are making a lot of money nowadays with a lot less work than triple a titles, I mean look how big minecraft was and how little work was put in to that, the sjws want in on that but every boy brought up on games has at one point or another wanted to get in to making them so they have too much competition.
So what they do is make it so the business isn't as good for the men and therefore less end up going in to it, furthermore sjws are also getting in to triple a to make walking sims common.
What does all of this have to do with their agenda you ask? Well what does a typical sjw study in college? Liberal arts, all of this is so they can have a safe space, make money(because of no competition) and grow fatter, all the while knowing that their shitty life and education choices really were the right ones no srrsly guys -
2016-09-22 at 4:52 PM UTC
now that Github is SJW-territory, I can no longer even apply to them for a jerb. I can't get involved in OS projects that have a code of conduct for the fear that I'll become a target. I've already slipped away from one such attack because my language was "divisive".
Living in fear because of oversocialization is exactly what they want. Fear makes you submit. Lashing out also plays into their hand. Leftism goes hand in hand with industrialism, if you are sick of it go live in the woods and drop out of society.
2016-09-23 at 12:22 AM UTCBecause they're all basement dwellers who have never been around women IRL and therefore think that supporting feminism is going to get them laid
2016-09-23 at 3:43 AM UTCVery good article related to this subject, important to understand:
The Rise of Victimhood Culture
Haidt wrote on it and gave a breakdown: http://righteousmind.com/where-microaggressions-really-come-from/
Absolutely pathetic and sickening. Ideally these people would be forcibly removed from society or violently exterminated. -
2016-09-23 at 3:44 AM UTChey malice did/do you read The Last Psychiatrist? seems like it'd be right up your alley.
I really liked this article; it's somewhat relevant: http://thelastpsychiatrist.com/2014/05/cyberbll.html -
2016-09-23 at 6:05 AM UTChurrr ESS JAY DUBYAS
2016-09-23 at 7:33 PM UTCFirst of all we have to change the meaning of the W to Whores because those faggots aren't Warriors. My grandfather walked back home from Russia and ate frozen horse corpses to survive. He was a warrior.
I dunno, mang. I feel like everyone outside of the underworld is trying to one up eachother with political corectness and "liberal" opinions or "They took our jerps we need more guns" idiocy.
I hang with people who care about the purity of Cocaine batches and not getting locked up. That kinda solves a lot of the faggotry we all have to endure every day. Just avoid normal people. -
2016-09-23 at 11:27 PM UTCThis has been talked to death many times before. I hesitate to further engage because most people bemoaning "SJWs" don't have any real sense of what they mean by that (it is a class that extends as far as anyone who isn't an extreme conservative and as narrow as a cherrypicked population of mentally ill tumblrniggers depending on which is convenient in the moment) and really the usual level of discourse is just barely above "who can I complain loudly about in a feeble attempt to feed my own ego". But what the hell, let's shitpost niggas.
So let's take the latter characterization (because asking this question about the former is retarded) and reframe the question as such "why is there an influx of marginalized and politically extreme groups into tech and the 'geek preferably' more generally?" There are a couple of factors which can be roughly divided into economic and social categories. Economically the situation should be obvious, you can be pretty fucking dumb and still stumble your way into a well paying job. There's also the fact that tech-folk have historically been socially inept for a good while now, your "hacker culture" style inability to function like a normal human in a modern capitalistic framework doesn't look any different to the capital-holding class than "I'm a faggot look at me I'm so oppressed" and in a very real dimension they're the same thing. Our forerunners through incidental economic value as the gatekeepers to a very powerful field of human activity and pure stubbornness have managed to create an apparatus that specializes in bending nearly all the traits that you loathe in "SJWs" into economic value. 20% projects and lipservice to open source is a black hole managers throw money at to keep their code monkeys happy and if that funding gets redirected to codes of conduct and tolerance seminars or any other variety of homosexuality it really is the same difference to anyone who matters.
And then there's the social dimension. Deviancy has always been fundamental to our culture. It goes beyond the fact that our founding myth is about a martyred faggot war hero but that should be some indication. Your occupation is to sit in front of a screen for untold hours toiling over what is basically the opposite of what our language faculty has developed to do (formal specification). This is not something sane, normal people want to do. Everyone in this space who's worth a shit is broken and we all tacitly acknowledge it and as such it's always been a refuge for those who can't make it in genpop. It's woven into our very language, ask yourself where the enduring and pervasive "wizard" cultural motif came from. So why on earth would it surprise anyone that this kind of environment people with extremely unpopular opinions, big mouths, and without the social sense to not disclose their myriad sexual deviances? Again, I understand why it can be difficult to see at times but the perceived SJW threat really is the mirror image of the autistic libertarian "hacker" archetype we all know and love.
So inevitably when I outline this symmetry to someone they tell me "yeah, but my particular tribe of technologists are actually good at technology!" usually followed up with some, again cherry picked, examples of drama whores who have managed to get themselves bought by some company in order to generally degrade the lives of people who produce actual value and who possess no discernible technical ability. Where and when this happens I agree, "cultural crusaders" who don't actually participate in the culture are a blight upon every god fearing code monkey. But these piecewise cases are not a realistic characterization of the full group people who complain about SJWs try to address. Again, an example of the shifting bounds of "SJW", only examples of extreme ineptitude are considered in vilifications of anyone with a hint of leftist sentiment at all. I could list a lot of "social justice warriors" by the general definition who are perfectly competent, almost certainly more talented than you for most all values of "you" where you're complaining about SJWs.
So what's the point here? It's that in so far as we're standing in them we dug our own graves and that this manufactured conflict between whatever class you think you belong to and SJWs is just another mechanism by which we are distracted from the fact that we are alienated from our labor. Tech is one of the few places left in our society where the yeoman laborer can still exist, where the worker still owns all the fundamental means of production. Young stupid (if talented) technologists who spent their teens on the totse or the chans or what have you are being distracted by a conflict with young, stupid (if talented) technologists who spent their teens on tumblr or reddit when the conflict that actually matters to our trade, the struggle between the capital-having class and their agents (the management class) and the laboring class, has been all but forgotten. -
2016-09-23 at 11:38 PM UTCThus spake Lanny, socialist non plus ultra.
2016-09-24 at 1:22 AM UTCLanny, when we bitch about "SJWs" we're bitching about the "cultural crusaders" you talk about in the middle section of that wall of text, and anyone who acts like them. The number of people like this is increasing exponentially, hence the bitching.
Easy test: if you've ever non-sarcastically used the word "heteronormative" IRL you should kill yourself immediately.
Also insofar is one word not three -
2016-09-24 at 3:06 AM UTCOh for fuck's sake Lanny, alienation of labor and struggle with the capital holding class. :rollseyes:
2016-09-24 at 1:23 PM UTCI understand your point about labor becoming divorced from capital and that sounds like it'd make a great topic to talk about. But, based on what you said, it sounds like SJWs are unknowingly in league with what you call the bad guys. The bad guys would love to build a stick out of SJWs. They can use that to take out anyone, they can literally banish you from labor forever. Then your labor is worth nothing at all, because you become a pariah. You say that the bad guys are counting their coins happily while "hackers" fight with SJWs. I see SJWism as the ultimate tool of coercion. No application of force or threat, not even economical. Just pure social status. Call that man a sexist and watch him lose everything he's ever had - his money, job, family, and friends. And you got "society" to do it for you. Beautiful, isn't it? And while I abhor what you call conservative alt-rightards, I feel that SJWs are a threat that's an order of magnitude larger than these tards. Alt-righters are playing at the old kind of fascism we all know and love, but SJWs are building some new horrible kind of fascism that's never been seen before (just look at their methods - public court, infiltration, etc.). Where the old fascists happily try to recruit the dumb poors, these new fascists are actively targeting everyone above the lower classes. --- New sjwism today: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=12568552 I like how this is just another white guy who got two fucking degrees (rich parents much?), went to berkeley, and calls himself a "founder" because he made one fucking web application, which I shit you not, is an "Uber for dogs" (I thought this kind shit only happens on parody shows like Silicon Valley) and his only tech skill is in nodejs. Oh, and this guys plasters "head of development" everywhere he can, even though he's barely graduated with a bachelor's and hasn't really worked in more than 1 company. It's just sickening that someone so far removed from reality has access to resources and just wastes them. Well, waste isn't the right word - he just disperses them to anyone that wants to make some money off of his warped view of the world.
2016-09-24 at 1:26 PM UTCSorry for the wall of text, something fucked up the formatting and I can't edit it anymore :(
2016-09-24 at 7:58 PM UTCDid you know that Lanny lives in San Francisco, paying at least 2K a month for a mere studio, and works in the financial district of SF as a programmer for finance? I shit you not, and he's only in his early 20s. Yuppie of epic proportions right there.