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Helping the poor.

  1. #21
    Red_Woman African Astronaut
    Originally posted by infinityshock stfu and start socializing your anus. give to the needy, faggot

    Rubber Dinghy Rapids.
  2. #22
    Yes Europe has been destroyed and open borders did it. All started when Greece went bankrupt and Soros and his globalists funded the illegal migration of Muslim radicals to Europe. Obama and Clinton basically handed the Middle East to ISIS and Iran took control of the whole Middle East. Why Trump supports Isreal and the only reliable base if there is war in the area. Russians are already in Syria and most of the Arab nation. One reason...oil. Why the Germans fought there in WW2 and allies were forced to defend. Now these same Arab nation have betrayed the US and all because radicals are in place killing their own peace seekers.
  3. #23
    AngryOnion Big Wig [the nightly self-effacing broadsheet]
    I've met alot of poor people.and in my opinion they lack the ability to prioritize goals.
    They rather save up for or even put that new I-phone on a credit card, rather than save up for a reliable car that will get them to work on time.
    They can't be bothered to learn a skill that will make them more money over time or go to night school and get a degree.
    If you want to make it in this country you still can if you try.
    Its not easy but it still can be done.
    And I agree with Sophie getting rid of welfare and minimum wage would be a step in right direction it would force people to get off their ass or starve.
    Tough shit fuck the poor.
    Now that I think of it there should be means testing if you want children you cant afford a kid you can't have one.
    Why should everyone else have to pay for moma's fuck trophy.
  4. #24
    Originally posted by Sophie You know i often get accused by leftist liberal scum that i'm just a mean spirited person who hates the poor and doesn't want to help them, on the contrary i do want to help them however socialists got the world backwards and here's why.

    People have this notion that if we just dump a shitload of money on the poor that poverty will decrease, you know, person A is broke and can't get food give him a dollar and voila he can buy a sandwich. Well you see, this is stupid elementary school level thinking. Because in fact a basic principle of economics is that: What you subsidize increases. Just look at America, HUGE welfare and social programs and yet poverty is increasing. Instead of dumping money on people how about we invest in creating jobs?

    Ahhh but you see! It's the evil capitalist corporate scumbags who aren't hiring anyone because they're greedy! Well i suppose they do want to cut cost, sounds like good policy to me if you have a company to run, people are expensive after all. So how do we solve this conundrum? Easy, we get rid of minimum wages. If minimum wages go down it will be cheaper to hire people, more human capital means more productivity and more productivity means more money at the end of the day.

    So, get rid of welfare.
    Get rid of minimum wages.

    Thus we have made it more profitable to hire people and the people on welfare can go to work in the new jobs we have created.

    One question: Do you think the extra money will increase wages or at least wages that people can comfortably live?
  5. #25
    Soyboy African Astronaut [relevantly rival my dehydroretinol]
    There's more to running a country than keeping wages low. Welfare is essentially a vote buying program, and remains popular among homogenous populations. The main reason Americans hate it so much is cos they see blacks taking most of it, so it's just rent paid by whites to blacks.

    What jumps into your head when you think of "poor people"?

    Also minimum wage prevents the emergence of a class of people who are too poor and unskilled to earn enough to participate in any meaningful way in society. If OP had her way we would see the emergence of a class of people unable to access education, healthcare, transport or leisure.

    The Dutch were sometimes called "Windmill jedis", and OP is working hard to justify the moniker here.
  6. #26
    AngryOnion Big Wig [the nightly self-effacing broadsheet]
    "Also minimum wage prevents the emergence of a class of people who are too poor and unskilled to earn enough to participate in any meaningful way in society. If OP had her way we would see the emergence of a class of people unable to access education, healthcare, transport or leisure."
    I would argue that minimum wage keeps people poor and unskilled,as far as access to education and healthcare we all have that.
    The education does vary state to state and even town to town but its still available and poor people just don't use it properly.
    There is also this thing called the internet you can learn alot from it.
  7. #27
    RestStop Space Nigga
    Maybe if they sucked my dong a lil more often they wouldn't be so poor nah mean?
  8. #28
    benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by Sophie Communism is straight up retarded. If you end up as this girl's pimp be sure to post pics.

    every country is a communist country becos every one of them controlled the means of production directly or indirectly.
  9. #29
    benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by Codebeta At this point it's not even socialism. Wealthy globalists control both Democrates and Republicans and t

    its called capital feudalism.
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