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Fonaplats' Thinking About The Big Picture Thursday

  1. #21
    Lol. Ty jake!
  2. #22
    Originally posted by Fonaplats I killed my flytrap!
    I forgot to water it.
    Fuck nooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Lose 10 points.
  3. #23
    Originally posted by Codebeta Same with me…hopefully we can share many more corrections together in the future.

    I have to strart my day!
    Time is wasting away.
    I got to move now!

    I love you all.
    talk to you later.
  4. #24
    I dont know about all this anymore.
    Everything got really strange.
  5. #25
    hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    *hugs* Fona. Glad you're feeling so energetic and positive. Hang onto those feelings else they can fly away as they often do with me.

    Sending lots of love. Take care, honey.
  6. #26
    Originally posted by hydromorphone *hugs* Fona. Glad you're feeling so energetic and positive. Hang onto those feelings else they can fly away as they often do with me.

    Sending lots of love. Take care, honey.

    I love you too.
    Why haven't you called?
    your name is hydromor-PHONE
  7. #27
    I must go to work now.
    I love you all.
    Keep thinking positive things.
  8. #28
    Alright now.
  9. #29
    Originally posted by Fonaplats I dont know about all this anymore.
    Everything got really strange.

    No. Everything is just fine. Keep enjoying your day!!
  10. #30
    Originally posted by Boss_bebe74 No. Everything is just fine. Keep enjoying your day!!

    You are right.
    I'm catastrophising everything.
    I'm sure these people are not thinking about me like I think they are.
    Thank you bebe
  11. #31
    I think I can handle this. We have a bunch of machines running so there is a chance I will be working alone.
    I think I want to be alone right now.
    I love you all.
  12. #32
    I just walked into the bathroom at work and I went into a stall because my supervisor was at the urinal and for no reason whatsoever I closed the door and out loud said "Yummy!" And then I busted out in a kackeled laugh.
    No my supervisor thinks that I am weird.
    I'm ignoring my coworkers and posting here because I have anxiety and I feel safe here.
    I'm pretty sure someone is plotting against me.
  13. #33
    Originally posted by Fonaplats I just walked into the bathroom at work and I went into a stall because my supervisor was at the urinal and for no reason whatsoever I closed the door and out loud said "Yummy!" And then I busted out in a kackeled laugh.
    No my supervisor thinks that I am weird.
    I'm ignoring my coworkers and posting here because I have anxiety and I feel safe here.
    I'm pretty sure someone is plotting against me.

    Oh no. I want to lol so bad. Is that ok? 😞😂
  14. #34
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    it's better not to look at the big picture

    it's a lot like watching a snuff film on the imax screen
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  15. #35
    itybit African Astronaut [daze my amino pe-tsai]
    LOL @ Boss
  16. #36
    I'm having a weird day.
    I was called an asshole at work.
    Then the guy said he likes me now but the way I carry myself and talk makes me seem like an asshole until you know me.
    Then I was talking to 2 guys and when I was done they both looked confused and I don't think they know what I say.
    I don't think people can understand me when I talk.
    Then someone called me "Felicia".
    So they think I'm gay and weird.
    I got chemicals on my hands and in my eye.
    It burns and my skin it peeling off my hand.
    It burns.
    I think I will be okay.
    I an just in a funny place in my mind and I am scared and paranoid.
    I love you guys.
    This to shall pass.
  17. #37
  18. #38
    Originally posted by Fonaplats I'm having a weird day.
    I was called an asshole at work.
    Then the guy said he likes me now but the way I carry myself and talk makes me seem like an asshole until you know me.
    Then I was talking to 2 guys and when I was done they both looked confused and I don't think they know what I say.
    I don't think people can understand me when I talk.
    Then someone called me "Felicia".
    So they think I'm gay and weird.
    I got chemicals on my hands and in my eye.
    It burns and my skin it peeling off my hand.
    It burns.
    I think I will be okay.
    I an just in a funny place in my mind and I am scared and paranoid.
    I love you guys.
    This to shall pass.

    When people call me an asshole I know I did right and they didn't. Have a beer and relax.
  19. #39
    Soyboy African Astronaut [relevantly rival my dehydroretinol]
    Sometimes it's ok not to have a plan, just take it day by day and try to work on individual accomplishments - money, vehicles, repairs, whatever.
  20. #40
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING Sometimes it's ok not to have a plan, just take it day by day and try to work on individual accomplishments - money, vehicles, repairs, whatever.

    It's time I make a 1 year plan.
    I have to keep moving in the right direction.
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